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Warning: a lot of cryptic past life stuff ahead.

For some theriotypes, (like Crystal and Patch) I can basically get memories 50% of the time I try. However, for other theriotypes, (like Nia and my red tailed hawk theriotype) I only have one memory that is very blurry. Which is kind of weird, so I came up with a theory.

A lot of religions with afterlives believe there is something in the between-lives period that prevents us from accessing our memories. I like to imagine it as a fog that covers the past lives. However, the fog is not completely opaque, so some memories slip through.

So my theory is, some lives are older than others, which means there are more lives between the life in question and my current life. This means I also died, and entered the in between lives stage, a lot more times. Each time I enter this stage, my memories of that life get another layer of  fog painted over it, making it less and less clear. Therefore, older lives are more blurry than new lives, and maybe I have some lives that the memories of are almost completely erased.

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