Dealing with haters... (Sorta a Vent)

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If you've read my warriors fanfic, Lost Light, you may have seen the animation I made for it on scratch. If you don't know what Scratch is, it's basically a coding website for kids. The main reason I joined was to do a Therian multiplayer animation project part, and it was all fun and games, (not to mention meeting other therians) until I saw a post saying there were therian haters saying "I'm going to poop on your face if you don't stop being therians!" and ridiculous stuff like that. When the therians told them to stop, they just said "I owe it to the animals you hurt every day." (I think they meant that we are z00s)

I tried to talk some sense into them. Other therians and I tried to tell them that therians are not z00s, and that they should really do some research. They said they DID do research, but the part that says therians aren't z00s wasn't true (mind my language but WTF). It ended up as a war of reporting each other, throwing insults at each other, and reporting the insults. I tried to keep my cool, but THEY WERE SO FREAKING ANNOYING!!!

Anyway, the person who posted the first posts is negotiating with the haters now, so hopefully, they will stop hating.

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