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So remember that snow leopard mask I posted about a while ago? Well, I had to discard it.

My mom has been going through a lot of my stuff recently, and see saw some leftover paper scraps I forgot to throw away while making the mask, and I was scared she'd get really suspicious if she saw the actual mask.

So, I went to the kitchen at night and crumpled the paper mask up and threw it in the bin.

I'm kind of sad about it, and all the hard work I put into it, but I wasn't using it much, and I didn't want to get my mom suspicious.

I've been feeling a lot of dysphoria lately, especially with my Yuffie fictiotype. It's less of a body dysphoria, (I'm actually pretty similar to her appearance-wise) but just a great feeling of homesickness, like knowing that I can never return to the places I became so familiar with.

I feel better now, and it cheers me up to find some hidden memories. I hope I find more ways to deal with dysphoria.

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