Page of phobias

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 So, basically, I have these things I was/am afraid of for no apparent reason. So, I'm thinking if it has anything to do with my therianthropy.

So, on to the list:


Description: When I was little, I was scared of going into any part of the pool deeper than 3ft, even when my mom is nearby and can just pluck me out of the water, and during swimming lessons, I would cry. (I love swimming now, though, and my favorite part is going to the ten feet deep area, so I got over it)

Cause: I think it's caused by me (Patch) dying in water in my past life. The trauma might have caused a fear of water.

-globophobia (fear of balloons)

Description: I was very afraid of balloons popping. If I saw a balloon, I would get scared that it would pop. Thankfully, this no longer affects me.

Cause: I think my severe fear of the sound of balloons popping is because I was shot by a rifle in my past life (Crystal). The sound of popping balloons is somewhat similar to that of a gunshot.

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