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Okay, so turns out, yesterday's flight was terrible.

First, there was a one hour delay, so we had to sit at the airport for a whole hour, and then, the plane took like twenty minutes to take off, which means we were an hour and twenty minutes behind schedule. We ended up missing the transfer plane home, which means we had to wait six hours for the next flight. I was so frustrated and stressed that I had immense chewing urges, and a vision of my cub, Ice, getting attacked by an eagle.

Today's much better, though. I had a mental shift while meditating, and I had another memory.

I was Patch, and I was running from a dog, with my mate. But I wasn't fast enough, so the dog got me, raked its claws across my side, and threw me into the river to die. It was basically a more detailed version of my previous death memory.

On my human life, I'm questioning being a demigirl, or maybe demifluid. I feel partly feminine, but at the same time, I feel a little agender/non-binary at the same time.

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