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I think I have some level of ADD. I find it hard to concentrate on stuff, and I keep spacing out and dropping stuff. Not to mention forgetting where I put my phone two seconds 

My Mom actually considered the possibility of this when I was like seven years old and was overly nervous about ridiculous things, but we just forgot about it over time when I outgrew my anxiety issues.

My mom says I should probably practice more meditation.

A problem with my ADD is that I'm excellent at visualization meditations, I can basically get hyperfixation and sink into the world of my visualization. However, that's kind of close to daydreaming, and I don't think it's helping with my ADD, so the meditation I need is focus meditation, which is really hard for me, even though I literally did it for the past like 5 years. I still sometimes just forget about the whole meditation thing, and start thinking about warrior cats.

Anyway, on the therian stuff, guess what? I'm having more ✨ species dysphoria✨ it's not as bad as last time, but I just want to turn into one of my theriotypes and run/fly off into nature.

Also, I'm now 90% sure I'm a demigirl, but I'm still a little worried I'm "holding on" to femininity, and maybe I'm something else.

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