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Yesterday, I was at my mom's friends house, and they had this naughty, annoying schnauzer that bit my mom and my little brother once, so I was really cautious of her, and basically constantly analyzing how to pin her down and deliver the killing bite the whole time. When she attacked my friend's dog, I felt my claws extend. 

As for today, I'm getting a lot of shifts.

I think my mind is forcing itself to keep on shifting to deal with the extreme dysphoria I'm feeling.

I'm a bit better now, but I'm still sad about being in the wrong body.

Also, in one of the shifts, I started attacking some invisible enemy. Now I'm kind of worried some sort of spiritual entity is living in the closet :(

On the bright side, I had a memory shift today. I was surrounded by fire, so I think it was a forest fire. I don't know whose memory that was, but it's most likely Patch's, because snow leopards don't live in forests, and red tailed hawks can just fly away, and I think I was trapped there kind of-

The memory was kind of blurry, but I could feel the heat on my skin clearly.

I don't know how I escaped from the fire, but I know that if that was Patch's memory, I probably survived because Patch didn't die in a forest fire, I died in the river.

Today's gender: librafeminine, I'm feeling 0.5% feminine and 99.5 percent agender now.

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