4/29/2024 (1k views???)

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First of all, I want to thank everybody for getting this book to a thousand views. Even though half of the views are probably from me flipping through my old entries, I never thought I would make it past 100 views. Wow. Thank you for your support!

Anyway, on to the entry. 

My family is going to Orlando, and the plane departs at about three to five AM tomorrow, so this will probably be the last entry in a while, for I'll be inactive during my trip. I'm going to ask Mye, my fae dragon spirit guide, to protect us during the flight.

I hope I don't get any chewing urges on the plane. I just had one writing this, and I bit my shirt to satisfy it. But I don't think teenagers my age are expected to chew on their clothes, and I don't want confused looks from my parents or anyone else. Thankfully, I have gum, so I hope it will satisfy any chewing urges.

Wish me safe travels!


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