027, a kiss on the cheek!

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IN THE AFTERNOON, Cerise and Loralei went for a walk through the castle, with Loralei trying ( and failing ) to snatch the Firewhiskey out of the girl's hands. Loralei had given Lee and George the task to try and take the Firewhiskey off Fred, thankfully, it was two against one with the boys, and no doubt, Fred was now sobering up.

With Cerise, it was a different story. Cerise was stronger than Loralei, and her punches hurt. She had a tight grip on the Firewhiskey bottle, and everytime Loralei reached for it, Cerise either stepped on her foot or slapped her hand away. So, Loralei was getting nowhere, and she really needed Cerise to sober up before the Yule Ball — Which was in three hours.

She needed help if she was to take the Firewhiskey off Cerise. Thankfully, George had turned up. "Oh, thank Merlin you're here!" Loralei exclaimed, rushing towards him and leaving Cerise stumble after her.

"I knew you'd need help," George shrugged, before approaching Cerise with a small smile. "Can I have some?"

Cerise eyed him weirdly, hiccuped, and then reluctantly handed George the bottle. "Sure, but no drinking it all!"

"Even if I did," George started, sneakily passing the bottle to Loralei and picking Cerise up bridal style, "It would refill anyway."

"Oh, yeah!" Cerise giggled, "It is a bottle that's been magicked!"

"Yes, exactly," George said, "Fancy a trip to the kitchens?"

Cerise grinned, "Will there be cake?"

"Lots and lots of it," George replied, and seeing Cerise smile excitedly, he glanced back at Loralei, "Go get everything ready, so when she's back, you guys can start getting ready for the ball straight away."

Loralei nodded, "Okay, and what are you planning on doing with her?"

George stopped outside the kitchens and tickled the pear, "I'm going to try and sober her up," He replied, before entering the kitchens and waving goodbye to Loralei. "Can we get some cherry cake, please?"

The house elves were rushing around, preparing the food that was going to be at the Christmas feast during the ball, but seeing the drunken look on Cerise's face, they shoved everything else aside, and began to make the biggest cherry cake they could.

George placed Cerise down in a chair and then sat himself next to her. She could barely keep her head up, she had to lean her head on the palm of her hand so her head didn't flop to the table.

George smiled once he saw Cerise look at him. "Where's my magicked drink?" She slurred, "I'm thirsty."

George looked at two of the house elves, "Can she also get some pumpkin juice?" He asked quietly, making the elves hurriedly make some pumpkin juice and place it in front of Cerise.

Cerise eyed the drink.

George sighed, "It is Firewhiskey," he lied, "But in a goblet instead. So, drink up."

Cerise smiled, immediately drinking the drink. "It tastes funny," she muttered, but nevertheless, she still continued to drink it.

Once the cake appeared in front of her, Cerise was already halfway sober, and she began to eat the cake like it was the last time she'd ever be able to eat it.

ONCE CERISE HAD SOBERED up, George walked her towards the Hufflepuff common room with a small smile on his face. Cerise didn't need to be carried, she was walking perfectly fine by now. They stopped outside the Hufflepuff common room, both of them turning to each other with a small smile on their faces.

"I'll see you at the ball?" George said.

Cerise thought to herself for a moment. "No," she said, "You'll see me before the ball. . ."

George smiled and nodded, "Before the ball," he repeated, and as he turned to walk away, he felt Cerise grab his arm. And then, he felt a pair of lips come in contact with his cheek.

"See you later, George," Cerise said, before entering the Hufflepuff common room with a bright smile on her face.

Entering her dorm room, she saw Loralei sat at her desk with everything scattered out on both of their beds. "Y'know, you could just use magic to do everything,"

Loralei jumped, not expecting Cerise to already be back. She turned to face the girl, "But, where's the fun in that?" She asked, "I'm doing this the muggle way. Sit."

Cerise chuckled, "I'm not a dog." She said, picking Oliver up and giving him a kiss on his head. Seeing the glare on Loralei's face, her eyes widened, "Okay, fine, I'm sitting, I'm sitting."

"Makeup or hair first?" Loralei asked Cerise, "I'm thinking a natural but not-so-natural makeup look, and curls in a half down half up."

"There's only one way to get ready," Cerise replied, "And that is makeup, then hair, then outfit. So makeup first."

As Loralei started on Cerise's makeup, she began to ask her everything that had happened.

"Well, I kissed him on the cheek," Cerise muttered.

"When you were drunk?" Loralei guessed, beginning to apply eyeshadow to the girl's eyelid.

"No," Cerise replied, "When I was sober."

Loralei gasped, her eyes widening as she began to use mascara. "You're lying!" She exclaimed, "That is something you would never do. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

Cerise laughed awkwardly, "Yeah," she said, "It is something I definitely wouldn't do — But I did it anyway!"

Loralei grinned as she applied blush onto the girl's cheeks, "Well, I'm proud of you," she said, "Although, I know with you, it is always one step forward and three steps back, but Georise will happen one day, I know it."

Cerise snorted, "In your dreams, girl." She said, before beginning to do Loralei's makeup. "So, when is Froralei happening?"

Loralei pursed her lips, "I don't know, whenever he decides to stop being a bitch and ask me out."

Cerise rolled her eyes as she applied blush onto her best friend. "How about you stop being the bitch and ask him out?"

A/N: This chapter was cute, and I'm so excited for the Yule Ball! Also, Wattpad isn't letting me add pictures and gifs into chapters, so I made a pinterest board for this fic, and I will link it in my messages so you guys can see their Yule Ball looks!!! ( PS — Cerise's makeup look is my makeup look I had for my prom, so please do not judge! I couldn't find a makeup look I liked for Cerise so I had to use myself )

CHERRY, george weasley Where stories live. Discover now