After the Battle

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Alastor walked around the new hotel. Holding his side and breathing heavily. He could only keep the act up around the others for so long. He opened the door to his new room. It was blank just a bed and red walls. Fuck, Alastor thought. Now he has to deal with decorating. He felt his chest twinge in pain. He fell to his knees. He just wanted to feel like himself again, full of power and not this weak little deer.

Lucifer was walking around the halls. He was admiring his magical work on the new hotel. He was in his way to his Apple office when he heard a thud. "Huh," Lucifer said. He walked down to Alastor's side. He was not thrilled that Charlie's replacement father figure survived the battle but he will make do for his daughter. He knocked on the door. But all he got back was a growl but not alastor's usual leave me alone growl. One that sounds like a hurt predator was trying to protect it self. Lucifer had to think about this if he entered and Alastor was fine a battle between the two could ensue or more like Lucifer would kick his ass. But if Alastor is hurt and Lucifer walks away, Charlie wouldn't forgive him. Lucifer grabbed the handle and opened the door.

Alastor looked up in shock. Whoever was so brave to open his door. There stood his new favorite enemy, Lucifer. He studied his body as it stood in the doorway. The only light in the room was coming from the hall. Alastor was hiding in the shadows, hoping Lucifer wouldn't see him.

Lucifer peered into the room. Lucifer used the hallway light to see into the room. Alastor was on his side, hiding in the shadows. His hand clutching his chest. His smile perfect as always but his eyes told a different story, one of pain. His shadow had a frown and that's all Lucifer needed to see. That this deer was hurt and unfortunately he had to help him to keep his bond with his daughter strong.
"Alastor," Lucifer said as he took a step into the room.
"Take another step and I will end you," Alastor hissed.
"Ha, funny one. Can you even stand?" Lucifer mocked.
"Of course my majesty," Alastor said in another hiss and went to stand to prove the king wrong but as soon as he put weight on his right foot. He fell to the ground.
Lucifer rushed to grab him, holding him as he fell to the ground with him. Alastor was laying in Lucifer's lap, Alastor groaned in pain.
"Get off me," Alastor whimpered while trying his best to roll away but it was more of a shudder.
"You are not even able to escape. So what the hell is wrong with you?" Lucifer asked while holding on to Alastor.
Alastor looked up and he saw worry in Lucifer's face. He made eye contact with Lucifer. Lucifer looked back into Alastor's eyes. The eye contact made Lucifer blush.
"I'm hurt from my battle with Adam," Alastor blurted out. Why the fuck did he do that, he thought. Maybe it was to break eye contact or maybe it was the awkwardness of seeing the king of hell blush at him.
"Where are you hurt?" Lucifer asked.
"It doesn't matter," Alastor said.
"It does if it was with an angelic weapon. The wound will not heal right and you will lose your powers. And be no more than a mire sinner," Lucifer warned Alastor.
Alastor for the first time in a while felt frightened. He did not want to lose all the power he has gained. It took him centuries to obtain it and it could go away with one slash. He went to pull his hair out from the stress, his only calming method.
Lucifer watched as Alastor grabbed his hair and looked like he was about to pull.
"No," Lucifer said as he grabbed Alastor's hands his fingers intertwined with his. "Please let me help you." Lucifer said while staring into Alastor's eyes, holding his hands and pressing them against his lips. " Let me help please," he whispered into their hands.
Alastor felt the fear in his voice. Was Lucifer really that worried about losing him? No this was a trick a chance for him to kill him and protect his daughter but Alastor didn't see any other way to save his power, his empire, his life.
"On my chest, I thought I fixed it myself," Alastor said looking down.
Lucifer let go of Alastor's hands and started to unbutton his shirt. Alastor felt his heart race like he wanted to defend himself but he needed to trust Lucifer. Alastor closed his eyes it felt uncomfortable to have Lucifer unbutton his shirt. Lucifer noticed that Alastor closed his eyes looking like he was scared in pain.
"I'm sorry," Lucifer added as he undid the last button to reveal a horrific gash. The green stitches were not holding as red blood oozed on the scarred chest. Those scars were from years of damage. Lucifer saw the six pack of abs and noticed the blood rush down them. Lucifer felt the heat come back to his face. He need to act fast or the blood lose would claim Alastor and who knows what would happen then. Alastor noticed Lucifer staring feeling pride that the King of Hell was flustered by seeing him without a shirt. He likes holding crushes as power to control others that's what he did to Vox for so many years.
"Are you enjoying the view, your majesty?" Alastor said in a mocking town with a small chuckle that turned into a cough.
"You know I'm trying to help you asshole," Lucifer said. "Alright I have a plan but it's kind of gross." Lucifer said.
"I like gross," Alastor said with a sly smile.
"I have to put my blood into the wound. The angelic blood will heal it fast." Lucifer said looking down at the wound.
"I've never been afraid of a little blood," Alastor said in his charming radio sounding voice.
"Delightful," Lucifer said with a roll of his eyes. He bit into his own wrist, ripping a chunk of flesh off. The golden blood pouring out of his wound. Alastor felt his face turn red. The thought of blood made his own blood rush. He stared in excitement at Lucifer tearing himself apart for him. Lucifer let his blood drip on to the wound on Alastor's chest. Alastor made a small wince in pain as Lucifer started rubbing the two wounds together. As easy as the wound was created it started to heal just as fast leaving a new scar for Alastor's collection. Alastor was watching as the gold blood dripped on his chest. He remembered how that angel head tasted. He remembered how sweet it was. Before he knew what he was doing he grabbed Lucifer wrist and started to suck on it taking in all that golden blood. He moaned into the wrist as he enjoyed every last drop.
Lucifer was confused and complexed. He just started as the deer demon was sucking and moaning in his wrist. He watched as his own blood dripped out of Alastor's mouth. Lucifer felt his face get warm. He felt himself wanting Alastor. But he needed this to stop. He was still married.
"Ok, I think you had enough," Lucifer said as he pulled away his wrist. However they locked eyes and Lucifer realized what he truly wanted. Alastor wanted more of that blood but he might have to give Lucifer something he wanted.
"Oh my dear king, how sorry for the way I have acted," Alastor said wiping his mouth. "I'm feeling much better." Alastor said as he sat up having his face so close to Lucifer's. "Thank you so very much." Alastor whispered without his radio filter.
Lucifer felt his face become red. He didn't want to admit that he might want to do this demon or rather have this demon be in charge of him for a night.
"Any time," Lucifer said as he leaned in closer.
Alastor leaned all the way pressing their lips together. Biting Lucifer's lip as the golden blood filled both of their mouths.
"Fuck," Lucifer mumbled in between kisses. He felt Alastor body lean into his. The kissing got more passionate as Alastor laid Lucifer on to the ground and climbed on top of him. Alastor took his hand and rubbed it through Lucifer's golden hair. Lucifer leaned back to try to get a good look at the shirtless demon that was on top of him. However Alastor saw the perfect moment to bite the neck of a king. Draining more blood from the fallen angel.
"Mmm..uh..Alastor," Lucifer said wanting more of everything this demon overlord had to offer. Alastor was too busy sucking the blood to notice Lucifer wanted more. Lucifer went to stroke the radio demons hair but noticed another thing. His shiny golden ring. A thousand thoughts flooded his mind and none of them good. He pushed Alastor off of him.
"I uh have to go," and with that sentence Lucifer ran out the room. Alastor stared and was confused. Maybe he was not doing this whole thing right. Alastor wasn't interested in sex even when he was alive. However he wanted that blood and if playing the act got him what he wanted then he can't play the part. That blood made him feel great as he hopped up. He felt young and vibrant. He could get use to this.

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