Dinner Time

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Lucifer fluttered his eyes open. He was laying on Alastor's bed. Lucifer was dressed again but his shirt was still stained with his own cum.
"How was your nap my dear?" Alastor asked as he looked up from his book.
"Uh good," Lucifer said feeling tired. He saw his hat next to him and put it on. "How did I..."
"Get here?" Alastor completed Lucifer's thought. "I brought you back after I dressed you. After I finished my broadcast, I saw you fell asleep. Probably tired from last night and this afternoon's activity. So I brought you back and let you nap while I did laundry and read."
"You are so sweet," Lucifer said as he got up.
"That sounded genuine," Alastor remarked.
"It was," Lucifer walked over and placed a kiss on Alastor's lips.
"Let me make you dinner," Alastor offered.
"I would like that," Lucifer said but saw his stains on his shirt. "Can I get cleaned up?"
"Why of course," Alastor said as he stood up.
They both went their separate ways for now.

Lucifer walked back into Alastor's room. He felt clean and better after his shower. Alastor was humming away to himself.
"What did you make it smells good?" Lucifer asked hoping it wasn't sinner he just said that smelt good.
"Just some jambalaya," Alastor responded as he handed Lucifer a bowl. Alastor sat down on the ground and picked up a book and started to read and eat.
"I liked the other date better," Lucifer said joining him on the ground.
"This is a casual night," Alastor said.
Alastor watched as Lucifer took a bite. Lucifer looked to se Alastor watching him.
"Can I help you?" Lucifer asked trying to figure Alastor out.
"You make a face when it's too spicy," Alastor said.
"I do not ," Lucifer said.
"No then take another bite," Alastor said knowing he was right.
"I'm not hungry," Lucifer said.
"Child," Alastor said as he took another bite.
"I am not," Lucifer said.
"Your child sized," Alastor said laughing.
"And you are roadkill," Lucifer said .
"And you can't eat basic food," Alastor said.
"I can too!" Lucifer shouted and then Alastor put his spoon full of jambalaya into Lucifer's mouth.
Lucifer was surprised by this action and then chewed and swallowed it.
"Good boy for swallowing," Alastor commented.
"What the fuck was that?!" Lucifer asked as his horns started to appear from anger.
"I stand corrected a baby," Alastor said as he picked up another spoonful.
"I am not a baby!" Lucifer screamed again in anger but at the end of his sentence his mouth was once again filled with food.
"Yes you are because I am having to spoon feed you and you can't take even simple spices because your cheeks are turning red," Alastor explained. "But I do suppose that could be from the anger."
"You little shit, stop feeding me!" Lucifer said but then got another spoon with food thrown into his mouth.
Lucifer had enough and he smacked the spoon out of Alastor's hand. Alastor laughed.
"What's so funny?" Lucifer asked still pissed.
"This," Alastor responded by shoving the bowl into Lucifer's face.
Lucifer felt his whole body shift into his demon mode as he tackled Alastor. Lucifer had his hands on Alastor's wrists and was straddling him to the ground. Alastor laid there with a cocky smile plastered on his face. That's when Lucifer felt it.
"Did you just get hard?" Lucifer asked.
"Hard not to when the king of hell has you forced in the floor like a common whore," Alastor said still enjoying the view.
"This was your dumb plan wasn't it?" Lucifer asked realizing he fell into Alastor's trap.
"My plan was for you to ask for milk and ai give you something else but this works too," Alastor said.
"What has gotten into you?" Lucifer said as he stroked Alastor's hair.
"I'm not quite sure," Alastor said.
Lucifer placed a kissed on Alastor's lips and pulled back but Alastor tried to get more but he was pinned down and couldn't reach.
"I like this side of you submissive and begging for more," Lucifer said. "However I am actually hungry and you called my bluff so I am going to find some food that I can eat."
"Don't be a tease my king," Alastor said.
"Well maybe you should've made a proper meal," Lucifer said as he got up and walked out the room returning to his old form.
Alastor did think to himself he was rather forward than usual. Alastor walked over to his calendar and paused.

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