Clean Up

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Alastor and Lucifer laid there in bed until they both feel asleep. When Alastor woke up he felt gross being covered in his blood, Lucifer's blood and seed, and even a little of his own seed. He sat up with a sheet over him. Lucifer was still sound asleep. Looking so peaceful and cute. Alastor ran his finishers through his hair. He looked at the clock to see it was five am. He sat there thinking of what he wanted to do.
"Why did you leave?" Lucifer asked all tired and sleep heavy in his voice.
"You are sticky," Alastor said.
"And whose fault is that?" Lucifer said as he reached his hand out to touch Alastor.
Alastor laid his head into Lucifer's hand and allowed him to pet his ears.
"Not sure," Alastor said with a sly smile.
"You are still a jerk," Lucifer said sounding annoyed but enjoying the softness of Alastor's ears.
"Yes but you seem not to mind it," Alastor said as he was feeling rather relaxed by the pets.
"Only if you keep fucking me that way," Lucifer joked.
Alastor bit Lucifer's arm causing a few drops of blood to drip on him.. Lucifer pulled his arm back.
"You piece of shit," Lucifer said.
"Oh? Did I miss read you again?" Alastor said sounding sincere.
"No but god what time is it?" Lucifer mumbled as he finally decided to start opening his eyes.
"5 my dear," Alastor answered.
"Jesus why are you up?" Lucifer remarked.
"I said I felt gross laying in your mess," Alastor stated.
"Our mess," Lucifer corrected.
"Whatever, it's gross. I'll have Nifty clean the sheets," Alastor said
"You want others to know?" Lucifer asked.
"Not really but Nifty is missing a few screws she won't even notice." Alastor said.
"Good. Charlie would be devastated if she knew," Lucifer said rolling to face Alastor.
Alastor was sitting up with his knees to the side of his body. He was staring at Lucifer. Lucifer felt his face turn red again as he saw Alastor was still naked.
"You good, my king?" Alastor asked as he reached his hand out to touch Lucifer's face.
"Yeah, I am great," Lucifer said with a soft smile.
"Your face turns red so easily," Alastor's aid as he rubbed Lucifer's cheeks where they had turned red.
Lucifer stared at him watching the Radio eyes take in Lucifer's body. Lucifer could get used to waking up here. Lucifer saw Alastor wrist and bit it.
"Fuck," Alastor said as he pulled his arm back.
"Payback is a bitch," Lucifer said while laughing.
"Alright, I am leaving you," Alastor said standing up and stretching.
"What no," Lucifer whined but then Alastor's feet tail caught his eye. Lucifer reached out to touch it but Alastor whipped around and grabbed his arm.
"What do you think you're doing," Alastor said with his eyes in radio dial form.
"I uhh," Lucifer felt weak but like he wanted Alastor to dominate type of weak. That's when Lucifer felt himself get hard.
Alastor snickered and said "you enjoy your problem," as he walked to the bathroom and closed the door.
Alastor turned on the water and hummed while he started to wash himself. Lucifer snuck into the bathroom. Lucifer had an idea that was either to get him killed or make Alastor his forever.
He jumped into the shower. Alastor looked at him and just continued to clean himself. Lucifer liked this view but he couldn't be weak now. Lucifer started by touching Alastor's hips.
"May I help you?" Alastor said trying to figure out what Lucifer was doing.
"You may," Lucifer added as he pulled Alastor in for a kiss.
Alastor excepted the kiss and put his arms around Lucifer. Lucifer started to run his hands over Alastor's wet body. Alastor was trying to feel Lucifer's wet hair but felt his horns instead. Alastor pulled his head back to see an evil and hungry look on Lucifer's face. Lucifer overpowered Alastor pressing him against the wall.
"Now, I am going to be your problem," Lucifer said in a deep voice in Alastor's ear.
Alastor felt weird like he was intrigued on what Lucifer was going to do next. He felt Lucifer grip his cock from behind.
"Mmm, is this hardness for me," Lucifer teased.
"I am just trying to figure out what you're doing," Alastor stated.
That's when Alastor felt Lucifer enter him. Alastor let out a surprised gasp.
"Want me to stop," Lucifer offered.
"Mmm,no" Alastor said gripping the shower ledges.
"Good boy," Lucifer teased as he started to thrust slowly. Alastor felt himself let out small moans and felt his face turn red.
"Don't be embarrassed dear. I want to hear you scream," Lucifer said as he picked up pace.
Alastor started gasping for air and felt Lucifer thrust into him from behind. He strength his grip on the ledges so he wouldn't fall down. Alastor started to moan louder and longer.
"Mmm fuck Lucifer what are you doing?" Alastor asked in between moans and gasps.
"That's not how you address me," Lucifer said as he put is hands on top of Alastor's and gripped them till they bleed.
"My apologies my king. Please don't stop," Alastor whined.
Lucifer liked this seeing him become his plaything. Lucifer kept going faster as Alastor started to scream.
"My king, I can't hold it in," Alastor said while moaning.
"You better hold it in for me?" Lucifer threatened.
Lucifer felt Alastor tighten to try to stop himself from cumming.
"My king please allow me to release," Alastor begged.
"Not yet, my pet," Lucifer said as he moved his hand to feel Alastor's neck.
"Uhhh mmm please," Alastor said almost sounding like he was about to cry.
"Wait," Lucifer commanded as he picked up the pace.
Lucifer started to feel his stomach knot after another minute of heavy thrusting and Alastor screaming and moaning.
"Now," Lucifer commanded and he left Alastor shake with release. Lucifer also released and Alastor felt himself filling with the holy seed.
"Fuck," Lucifer remarked as he back out of Alastor.
He saw Alastor standing still and still gripping the ledge.
"You play a dangerous game my king," Alastor said as he turned around.
Lucifer saw the redness in his face making it look as if he was so embarrassed by his actions.
"I like to be too sometimes," Lucifer said as he touched Alastor's face.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Alastor said confused but already getting back to his old ways.
"God, I am older than you. How do you not know what that means?" Lucifer said with an eye roll.
"Again I do t particularly like these sexual things," Alastor reminded Lucifer.
"Then why do them?" Lucifer asked.
Alastor pulled Lucifer in and whispered into his ears "because I like you. And this is the closest I can get to you. You make it feel more about intimacy than about a sexual drive."
Lucifer felt his face get red. Alastor pulled him in for a kiss as they finished their shower.

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