Gifts of Sorry

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Alastor was laying his bed. Thigh he doesn't sleep it was nice to have a place to lay. He was thinking about his and Lucifer's afternoon. The passion in their make out session but how it ended due to him. Alastor doesn't like being vulnerable. Sex was not something he particularly enjoyed but he did enjoy the time with Lucifer. Sex meant you have to be vulnerable, someone gets to see you at your weakest. Alastor didn't want Lucifer to know he got hard for him. He didn't want to admit it but it happened. It is natural, Alastor thought. Uhhh no not for me. He later there trying to understand these emotions.

Lucifer was working on a duck. He smiled. Today was a great day he thought. I got stuff done in the hotel, I'm working on my ducks, and I got to be with Alastor. Fuck what was that last thought. No he didn't like Alastor. He enjoyed letting off steam and it just happen to be with his enemy of the hotel. Fuck. But I moaned out loud. Lucifer thought. Didn't matter Alastor left before the undressing began. Alastor left him but he did thank him but he left him. Lucifer's mind was racing and before he knew it fifty ducks were sitting on his desk. Lucifer sighed, he knew he fucked up. He always does when it came to making any type of relationship. Lucifer ruined it with his wife, his child, and with his old family. Lucifer went back to making ducks. It was what he was good at and it calmed him.

Alastor was working on his own project up in the radio tower. His jacket in the back of the chair and his sleeves rolled up. At his desk, he fiddles with the tools and material as the jazz music played. A cigarette hanging out of his mouth occasionally putting it down to take a sip of his whiskey. Alastor was tapping his foot as he finished the screwing the last bit of the electronics in to the base. He stopped for a minute. He was thinking. What is he doing, feeling guilty about not explaining himself to that filthy king? Alastor knew he didn't have to explain anything but at the same time if he wanted that blood, he had to make it seem like he cared. Fuck, he was addicted to the blood but at the same time he didn't care. As he admired his finished project, he finished is cigarette. He looked at the clock and it said it was half past midnight. He put the present in the box and tied a black bow on to the red box. He needed to get his done while everyone was sleeping or doing other activities. He left without even putting his coat on.

Lucifer was finishing brushing his teeth. He was already in his ducky pajamas. Once done, he headed to the bed he got in and pulled on the covers when he heard a knock on the door.
"Uhhh, now what?" Lucifer mumbled as he got out.
He threw open the door half expecting his daughter but instead he saw a disheveled Alastor. He suit jack missing, his bow tie untied, sleeves rolled up, smell of whiskey and cigarettes on him, hair was a mess like he had been running his hands through it, and most interesting part he was holding a red box with a black bow tie.
"What do you want?" Lucifer tried to sound tough and guarded but again curiosity got the better of him with that box.
"I have a gift. For the sacrifice the king has been making to me lately," Alastor said with his words a little slurred.
"Are you drunk?" Lucifer asked. "Is that why no one saw you this evening?"
"I was occupied with my mind and this" Alastor explained while holding up the box.
"Uh huh," Lucifer added. "And what is exactly in that thing?" Lucifer pointed to the box with a guarded posed.
"Well now my dear king, that's not how presents work. Have you ever received one before?" Alastor asked back with a clever smile.
Lucifer had to think. He hasn't had one in a while.  "I have had gifts given to me before you bitch," Lucifer said defending himself with words.
Alastor eyes twitched.
"Now, now. Such a temper for someone so short. I am trying to play nice but if you don't want it. Then I'll find another use for it," Alastor remarked.
"I didn't say I didn't want it. I just don't want to be killed by one of your dolls or what ever curse is in that thing," Lucifer said.
"It won't hurt you," Alastor said meeting Lucifer's gaze.
Lucifer saw in the deers eyes sincereness. Lucifer reached out for the box. As soon as he grabbed it, Alastor disappeared into the shadows leaving behind his smell. Lucifer just stared at the blank space taking in the smell.
The box was heavy. Lucifer closed the door and walked to the work bench with the box. He pulled on string of the bow and watch it fall off. He lifted the lid of the red box with his partially closed. When nothing jumped out and attacked him, Lucifer peered into the box. It was an old timey radio. One the speaker part there was a deer eating an apple. How funny of Alastor. He stared at it and wonder what to do with it as he picked it up.
He walked over to his nightstand and set it there. He was scared to turn it on. It still could be a trap after all. Lucifer flicked it on and prepared to fight it but all he got was some slow jazz. Huh ok, Lucifer thought. He used his magic to flick off the light and crawled into bed. Letting his mind listen to the music as he drifted asleep.

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