The Sleepover

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Alastor was finally happy to have Lucifer back at the hotel. Would Alastor ever say that out loud? Probably not he chuckled to himself but it was great to have him back. That night Lucifer came into Alastor's room with a book. Lucifer laid in Alastor's lap as they both read while lying in bed.
"You know I haven't been able to sleep without you," Lucifer said.
"Ah well that makes sense," Alastor teased.
"The proper response is me too," Lucifer said.
"Noted," Alastor joked.
"Asshole," Lucifer stated.
Alastor continued to read ignoring Lucifer's jab at him. He was too busy enjoying the company to start another bickering war.
"Is that a real smile on your face?" Lucifer asked.
"It's always there dear," Alastor remarked.
"No you look truly happy," Lucifer said pointing to Alastor's face.
"Me too," Alastor said.
"What?" Lucifer said with confusion.
"I was unable to sleep without you but I never slept before you. So it felt kind of normal while you were gone but like a weird normal," Alastor explained.
"That's not what we were talking about," Lucifer reminded him.
"Oh pardon me. I thought we were still in the discussion of sleeping arrangements," Alastor said in a plain and simple radio tone.
"No we moved on from that. Now we are talking about your smile," Lucifer reminded Alastor.
"Ah yes. I have always had it on since I feel into Hell myself," Alastor started to explain.
"No, no. About your smile now," Lucifer corrected again.
"This book is really funny," Alastor said.
"You haven't been even looking at it. You been pretending to read it but you keep looking at me," Lucifer said.
That part was true. Alastor was too busy looking at Lucifer to even know what sentence he was on. Alastor probably was just reading the same sentence over and over again.
"Fine you win I am happy," Alastor said with a sly smile as he placed the book on the bed.
Alastor leaned down and planted a light kiss on Lucifer's lips.
Lucifer felt flush. He didn't expect him to give in. Lucifer was prepared to have this conversation for another hour.
"I am rather tired with you all snuggled into my lap," Alastor said stroking Lucifer's hair. "May we retire?"
"We may," Lucifer said with a smile.

Alastor was awoken by screams and a whack to the face with a wing.
"No stop please," Lucifer begged.
Alastor shoot up ready to fight but all he saw was Lucifer laying in bed rolling. Fighting something that wasn't there.
"I can fix this," Lucifer stated.
Alastor was so confused and to top it off it was two in the morning.
"Uhh dear," Alastor whispered as he tried to reach for Lucifer.
Lucifer flinched away.
"I can do what you want. Just don't send me away," Lucifer said as tears went down his face.
Alastor was now a little scared. What could make Lucifer so upset.
"Hey," Alastor said as he finally was able to tap Lucifer's shoulder.
Lucifer shot up and his angelic wings hit Alastor in the face again. Lucifer looked around the room in a panic.
"Where am I?" Lucifer cried out.
"At the hotel. In my room," Alastor answered.
Lucifer saw Alastor's face and rushed in for a hug. Burying his face into Alastor's chest. Alastor repositioned his head to have his chin on top of Lucifer's head. Alastor placed one arm around Lucifer's hip and another on his back in between his wings. Alastor started to rub Lucifer's back and hum to him. Lucifer grabbed onto Alastor tighter. Alastor could feel his chest getting wet from Lucifer's tears but he didn't care. He continued to hold him and him to himself and tried his best to comfort the fallen angel.
"I'm sorry," Alastor said breaking the silence.
"No I am sorry," Lucifer said.
"I just don't know how to comfort very well," Alastor admitted.
"You are doing great," Lucifer said with a light laugh.
"What were you dreaming about?" Alastor asked but already had an idea.
"Oh just a nightmare about being casted out," Lucifer said with another light defensive laugh.
"I'm sorry," Alastor said again as he placed a light kiss onto Lucifer's forehead.
"I'm still tired," Lucifer said with a sleepy voice.
Alastor snuggled up to Lucifer a little more. Lucifer drifted back to sleep. Alastor felt warmth and also started to drift back to sleep.

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