𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢 - 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

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~ You and Stan are rambling about your hobbies when he *accidentally* asks you out ~

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~ You and Stan are rambling about your hobbies when he *accidentally* asks you out ~

"And trust me, I love playing basketball, but sometimes it just gets to be a lot of pressure. I mean, I'm a girl for one. All my uncles, my brother, and my dad all played basketball and didn't suck. And they were all awesome shooters! How am I supposed to compete with that?"

Stan smiles, nodding along as you ramble about your favorite activity and your sport, basketball. He has had a crush on you for a long time and these vent sessions let him learn more about you without having to stalk you. Being the impulsive thinker he is, he blurts, "Maybe I can be like your brother and try to shoot my shot with you."

You feel heat flare to your cheeks as a look of immediate regret washes over his face. He tries to cover it up by laughing and making excuses. "I mean, um . . . That was a joke. I was kidding! Ha, ha, very funny, Stanley . . ."

"Was it a joke?" you ask after a moment, looking up at him with sincere eyes.

He swallows thickly and adjusts the collar of his shirt. "No."

You smirk and stand up, holding a hand out to him. "Maybe you and I could play some ball, then."

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