✩ 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔 ~ 𝚋.𝚍. ✩

121 0 2

pairing: bill denbrough x (fem)reader

warnings: none

word count: 1058

song preference: lovefool, the cardigans

requested? [yes] [no]


ʙɪʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ feel so sick in love with a person.

He was only fourteen, after all, but he didn't have to be wise beyond his years to know she was the one for him. His heart was set on her and he was sure she loved him back.

"[Name]!" Beverly called, her eyes softening in relief when she saw the only other female in their group heading their way. The Losers were meeting up after school, a warm Tuesday in May, 1990. Richie and Beverly had opted of Michelle's Ice Cream Parlor, a popular hang out spot for the teenagers, and it was decided that would be the location of their next hang-out. Sometimes their hang-outs consisted of quiet studying and heavy concentration; others were simply a de-stresser from school and the Losers' home lives. This particular day seemed to be the latter.

The Losers (except for [Name]) waited inside the blue cow-themed ice cream shop, crowded in a singular booth and chatting away about their grades, upcoming finals, and all of the adventures they were planning on having over the summer. Of course, being the least punctual of the group, [Name] was last to arrive, walking up the sidewalk and waving at her friends through the thick glass window.

Bill unconsciously fixed his posture and ran a hand through his hair, two things that both Stan and Richie noticed. The pair were the only two boys who knew about Bill's crush on [Name] and were one hundred percent certain that she was smitten with the stuttering boy as well.

"Hi, guys," she smiled, waving to Bill kindly. He waved back and felt a rush of heat flood to his cheeks, earning a swift elbow to his shoulder from Richie.

"Hey, nice kicks," Ben remarked, gesturing to the sweet pair of J's [Name] was wearing; Jordan IV, Midnight Navy. The girl nodded up at Ben in appreciation, sliding onto a small sliver of cushion left in the booth beside Beverly and across from Richie.

"Where you been, [Last Name]?" Richie asked, leaning forward a little to chat with his friend. "We haven't seen you around here in centuries."

The [color] haired girl blushed heavily, rolling her eyes and resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "Oh, you know. Around." The small smirk resting on her lips made Richie nudge her from across the table, earning laughter from the pair and grins from their surrounding friends.

"Aw, c'mon! Who you been with?" [Name] waved at him, shaking her head and smiling at the ground.

"Nobody, Richie. Nobody special." She looked up and grinned at Beverly, the two girls sharing a knowing look and then laughing a little behind palms. Bill furrowed his brow and looked between the two girls, wishing he could read minds for only a minute. How he wanted to know what they were laughing about.

Richie scoffed and just like, the conversation had shifted again. The Losers laughed at stupid jokes and told dramatic stories, sometimes laughing so hard those on the ends of the booth fell onto the floor and embarrassed themselves. But it really didn't matter to them, because they were all friends and they had nothing more to lose.

[Name] took a sip from her milkshake when a familiar face passed by the window; Theo Keaton, a handsome boy with a shock of dark brown hair that swung over his face and brilliant green eyes. He glanced into the window and smiled at [Name], waving and flashing a warm smile in her direction. She smiled back and waved, blushing heavily.

Everyone in the Losers club immediately zoned in on [Name]. The looks on their faces asked a thousand questions, and she knew it was only a matter of time before she would have to answer them all. Richie was first to spring his question.

"What are you not telling us about you and Theo Keaton?!" he shouted, making an embarrassed shock of red erupt on [Name]'s face.

"Shit, Rich, shut up already!" she hissed, making the buzz of the Loser's chatter die down. Bill felt his heart squeeze a little and he looked down at his hands. Stan and Mike (the latter of which was very good at reading emotions and simply guessed that Bill was heavily in love with their friend) gave the stuttering boy a sympathetic look.

"How about we take this outside, huh?" [Name] said, standing from her seat and leading the group to a little alley that was littered with milk crates and discarded produce boxes. Like an assembly, the Losers sat in a half circle around the [color] haired girl, all with wide eyes.

"Well . . ." [Name] mumbled, looking at Beverly and then at her shoes. "Theo and I started hanging out after becoming friends in our math period. You guys know how bad it is in Mr. T's room." The cluster of teenagers nodded in agreement, knowing how horrendous their algebra teacher was at his job. "Anyway, we basically had to become friends because of that. One thing led to another and he asked for my number so we could hang out outside of school. And now . . ."

[Name] smiled at the ground and Bill, who sat closest to her, felt his stomach drop and prayed to anyone out there that she wasn't going to say what he thought she was.

But his prayers were not answered, as those dreaded words formed a sentence in [Name]'s throat and escaped like a lion from the zoo, ready to tear out Bill's throat and swallow him whole.

"Now we're dating."

Everyone congratulated the kind girl, as Theo was a very sought after boy in their grade and they were happy she ended up falling for such a good student and a cute guy, too. Bill smiled, trying not to say something or recognize the sad looks on Richie, Stan, and Mike's faces. He was especially quiet now, and when [Name] noticed this on their walk home, she pointed it out.

"Bill, are you alright?" she asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. His face flamed with heat, but now it felt awkward and uncomfortable instead of cute and sweet.

"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine," he stammered out, making those who knew about his crush on the [color] eyed girl. Instead, he tried not to get lovesick all over [Name]'s new J's.

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