✩ 𝚊𝚜𝚜-𝚖𝚊 ~ 𝚛.𝚝. ✩

55 1 12

pairing: richie x (fem)(eddie's sister)reader

warnings: extreme cursing

word count: 1002

song preference: hey lover, wabie

requested? [yes] [no]


ʀɪᴄʜɪᴇ ᴛᴏᴢɪᴇʀ ᴡᴀꜱ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ one for following through.

It was easy to see in every move he made, every comment he had to say— he was as cocky and flashy as a peacock, and every bit as pretty, too.

Richie was only ten when he met [Name] Kaspbrak. And of course, he did what he did best and started talking.

[Name] ran after her brother Eddie, who was far more precious and favored than she, even if she was the one who actually had allergies. "Eddie, give it back!"

"No, it's not fair! I want a red inhaler, too!" The twin siblings each pulled and twisted on the end of the brightly colored aspirator until finally [Name] tugged it out of her brother's reach and she fell on her back, thumping her head on the woodchips. Groaning and squinting up at the cloudless sky, she could see her brother and another boy in their grade, Richie Tozier, were standing over her with wide eyes.

"Oh my God, you killed it!" Richie cried, wiping his hand on his cheek.

"Okay, first of all, 'it' is my sister, and second of all, she's not dead, okay? She's having an asthma attack or something," Eddie corrected the bespectacled boy with a tone of annoyance and a disgusted look on his face, like he stepped in dog shit or heard something crunch in his mashed potatoes.

"How was I supposed to know she has ass-ma?!" Richie shouts, gesturing to the [color] haired girl, who still lay on the ground.

"It's not 'ass-ma,' idiot. It's 'asthma' with a 'z' sound," Eddie grumbled, furrowing his brows at the boys' incompetence.

"Whatever, same thing," Richie replied, brushing him off.

"Will you two quit it? I'm not dead or having an asthma attack, but I need my inhaler so if you would also quit being rude and give it back, that would be much appreciated," [Name] grunted, leaning up on her elbows and holding out her hand for the bright red inhaler still clutched in Eddie's hands.

"Sorry . . ." he trailed off meekly, handing it over and watching as she put it to her lips and puffed.

"Wait a minute, are you two related?" Richie asked, looking between the two for similarities. If you looked hard enough, you could see why the pair were twins, although many had often mistaken them as cousins instead.

"Yes," [Name] answered, taking another short puff of her inhaler and then eyeing the boy before her. "Why? Do you have a problem with my brother?"

Richie blushed heavily and pushed his glasses up his nose. "What? No! I— I don't got a problem with anybody."

[Name] smiled cheerfully and pocketed the inhaler. "Good. Eddie, we gotta get home before Mom shits herself."

"Yeah, okay," Eddie agreed willingly, not too upset that he was leaving the somewhat unsanitary park where they were.

"We'll see you in school, Richie," [Name] said, casting a smile at the boy.

"Yeah," he replied, a thumping filling his chest and pounding in his ears. "See you in school."

"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ɪꜱ she doing up there?!" The Losers had been searching for what felt like hours for the two missing girls that were currently floating several feet above their heads. Everyone was cold and wet and tired, not to mention scared out of their little teenage-brains. Richie clawed at his face again, pulling his cheeks down and revealing the red bits under his eyes. Eddie grimaced at the grotesque expression plastered across his friends' face, but Richie didn't notice. All he could see was that [Name] was floating high above their heads.

"Holy shit," he breathed, noticing something odd about her complexion. Both of the girls were pale, yes, but she looked especially so. Her face then turned a shocking shade of pink and continued to darken in color as the once still and lifeless form of [Name] Kaspbrak convulsed, overtaken by a violent string of coughs and gasps for air. Her body shook and twisted in place, twisting everyone's faces in horror.

"Holy shit, she's having a fucking asthma attack!" Eddie screamed. Quickly he scrambled onto Mike's shoulders and pulled his sister down, pushing her until her feet rested on the damp concrete of the sewer.

"Somebody, do something!" Eddie screamed, shaking his sister. Her body continued to shake, but she had stopped coughing and only twitched and shook a little, her face red as a tomato. Richie, panicking, looked to Ben, who had Beverly by the shoulders as well. The large boy pressed his mouth to Beverly's and only another second went by until her eyes cleared of their fog and she regained consciousness. Everyone then turned to Richie and watched expectantly, knowing about his huge crush on the Kaspbrak girl.

"What? Why are you all looking at me?!" he screamed.

"Kiss her! Kiss her before she dies!" Eddie shouted back, grabbing Richie by the back of his shirt and planting him in front of his sister. Richie almost made a snarky comment about Eddie finally giving him permission to mess around with his twin, but [Name]'s condition was becoming worse by the second. Richie took his best friend's sister by the shoulders and pressed his chapped lips to hers. Instead of gasping like Beverly, she simply choked and coughed, clawing at her throat and chest frantically. Just as quickly, Richie snagged a bright red inhaler from Eddie's hands and pressed it to [Name]'s lips, pressing down on the button to trigger the air and allowing her to take a clean breath.

It took only a few more puffs before her face returned to a normal color and she could speak again, no longer suffering from the attack and breathing properly.

"Holy fuck, I almost— I almost just fucking died," she gasped. Richie smiled, a hand on her shoulder.

"You're welcome. I totally just saved you from that ass-ma attack," he smirked. A bright red flame of blush erupted on [Name]'s cheeks and she smiled in return, not noticing an annoyed Eddie by Richie's side.

"It's 'asthma' with a 'z' sound, you moron."


sorry I took forever to update, I will try to update more often! Love yall, please drink some water and get some rest <3

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