.CH 1 ~ Meeting.

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I was listening to music when I felt Sebastian stop the car and finally meet our band. "Sebby? Are we here?" I question him as we both get out of the car, and he hasn't said a word to me yet. It was kind of pissing me off, but I ignored it and continued to listen to my music.

I was meeting the band as they all said their names and, honestly, the Ryan guy looked kind of cute, but I had to ignore that and keep it all professional. As we introduced ourselves, I felt my attention become worse and worse. I started not paying attention to anything they were saying.

Halfway through the meet up. I heard my music stop and my phone started ringing. I checked who it was, and it was Aris. Words can't even describe how much I love this person, not romantically or in a friendly way, if she was a guy I would 100 percent fuck him though. I declined the call and said I was busy. I sent a quick snap at the members, hoping none of them would notice.

I didn't notice that all of NSB would have to go to Sebastian and I's house after that. After the meeting was over, I was forced by Seb to ride with the new people because 'I didn't socialize enough'. I didn't want to talk to any of them, so I went on my phone to message Aris. One of them tried to start a conversation with me though. "Mhm, that's crazy bro." I said about like 10000000000 times, and he still didn't get the hint, so I just told him the truth not wanting to be an asshole. "Listen Darren or whatever your name is I don't want to talk to you any more can you please maybe, save it till we get home?" I say before he started laughing, I didn't get what was funny, so I just stayed silent. "No way you think I'm that fat ass." I hear him say through laughter, all of a sudden, the whole car broke into laughter besides me and this one other guy. I see the other guy cover his stomach and tell the other guy to shut up though fake chuckles.

I honestly didn't find the joke funny, so I just rolled my eyes and stared at the other guy. I guess he was the 'Darren guy' and I felt bad he wasn't even that fat.

~ once at home ~

I was forced to stay downstairs with the members as they were talking about something irrelevant. I wasn't listening. I was hearing Aris's rant about how she needs to use her degree for something important. Apparently, this time she got flamed from one of her co-workers because she said she couldn't remember their pronouns, and she almost got fired. I was thinking to myself, who the fuck does this co-worker think they are. She doesn't have to support or use their pronouns, and this is coming from a gay guy.

After a few minutes a felt my air pod get taken out, and I quickly grabbed it from Seb's hand and asked him what he wanted. "Yes Seb?" I didn't notice he was asking me a question. "They asked you what song you were listening to." He said and I got annoyed. "I'm listening to Aris rant about some random fag at her work. Why?" I felt a hard slap on my thigh, and I flinched a bit. "Ow what the hell?" I say a bit pissed. "You can't say that word!!" I heard Seb say. "Plus, I don't like you talking to Aris that much talk with us." I take a look at them and look back at Seb. "Womp she's more interesting to listen too, plus she has a degree in Biology or Forensics one of those things." I say proud of my friend. "By the way fag is how you say cigarette in the UK, so I am allowed to say it." I hear a voice from the other side of the room. "Dude why you such a dick head, plus is this friend like 30 or something she can't already be out of collage if she's your age." I think to myself that this bitch needs to stop talking to me, it's the same guy from the car. "She went to college at 15 dumbass, plus she took college classes in high school." We had an argument and I found out that the guy's name was Regie. I eventually went upstairs to my room, not wanting to talk to him anymore.














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