.ch 19 ~ Fucked up.

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I was on TikTok, in bed. I didn't want to move. I heard somebody walk in and I looked up. "Hi Ry!" I say as my smiled brightly. I got up to go hug him but realized his girlfriend was here. They were holding hands. "I'll leave you two be." I say as I smirk and leave the room. He flipped me off before I left.

I went downstairs and got on the couch. "What's wrong with you?" Ty said as he put his phone down. "Nothing, just bored." I say as I look at him in the eyes. "What about you?" I say. "Nothings wrong with me." He said as he went back on his phone.

This house sucked. I got my keys and went out. I got in my car and was now confused. Where would I go? I wanted some place where I could have fun. Plus I would need to have people with the same humor.

Aris. I groaned. I knew she was a nice person and was a good person overall. We were just completely opposite. I called her.

"Hey Sebastian. Please don't tell me any bad news I'm not in the mood-" "Can I come over?" I said as she paused. "I'll tell my friends to get ready." She said as she declined. I smiled. I started driving to her house.

"SEBASTIANNNNNNNN." Aris yelled as she hugged me. I smiled as I walked in the room, I took off my shoes. "Oh you don't have to-" "Ryder shut the fuck up." She interrupted him. Who was Ryder? "Bro he doesn't have to follow your rules." "Well too fucking bad I'm the oldest in this house so everyone shoes off." She said as I continued to take my shoes off.

We went into the living room and sat on the couch. "Wait, Seb why are you here? You don't like me."Aris asked as she looked at me. "I was bored, I couldn't have out with anybody. Darren would hit on me, Justin wouldn't shut up about some ugly bitch, Oliver and Regie are practically eating each others asses, Kane is no where to be seen, and Ty has more important things." I said as she laughed. "I'm 100% convinced the oliegie ships are real." She said as I agreed. "Real bro, it's my favorite ship as-well. Hate the sebgie ships." I said as we began talking.

After a while we looked up games to play. "This is so gay. All of these games are boring. Wanna just go to a club?" Aris said. She wasn't a drinker. I was too young. I didn't say anything though.

We all got in the car and Aris and I were in the trunk. "Sooo, how's you and Ryan?" She asked. I frowned. "Not good. Wait what the fuck?" I said. I was shocked she knew about my little situation with Ryan. Did Oliver tell her..? "Wait what? You guys are dating??" She said. "No no way." I said. "Why? You guys are adorable." She said. I began to tell her about my situation.

"I'm sorry Sebastian." She said as she patted my shoulder. I nodded my head as we got out of the trunk. We had a big group of people so it was easy to blend me in. When we got in I was holding Aris's hand. I felt her hand get out of my grasp and my heart dropped. I felt another hand grip my shirt. I pulled the person off of me and tried looking for Aris.

I felt somebody jump on my back and I fell on a table. I noticed it was Aris. I smiled as we both sat down. We began to talk again.

Aris sees a waiter coming and asks what I want. "Quickly give me your order." "Uh I don't know.. a strong drink?" I say as I look at her. "Hii what would you guys like today?" The waiter said as I looked at her. "I don't drink." I said first as I smiled at the waiter. She noted that and moved into Aris. "And for you beautiful lady?" She said. "Vodka." Aris responded with. "Okay I'm gonna need some ID." The waiter said. They went through the typical thing and before the waiter left she asked another question. "Uh would you like a water? It's very hot in here." She said. I nodded my head yes as I thanked her.

We got our drinks and traded. I took a sip and instantly reacted. (A/N I COME FROM A STRICT MUSLIM FAMILY SO IDK HOW ANY ALCHOL TASTES BESIDES WINE.) "Is it good?" Aris asked as she laughed at me. "Shut up it's strong." I said as I laughed.

After a few hours my phone was blowing up. I was completely wasted. Me and Aris were laughing about something stupid. Ryder was next to Aris and holding her as he slept on her shoulder. We got in the car and Aris checked my phone.


Everyone was worried about Sebastian. I felt guilty. I frowned as I laid my head on his shoulder. I was giving him water to sober him up. He got sober to the point he didn't look drunk, but he acted completely different. We got him home and I suddenly noticed the difference in his smell. Fuck. "What cologne do you wear?" I asked as he looked at me confused. "Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Intense?" He said. I smiled as I got back in the car and drove to a near Macy's.

When we got there I told everyone to stay in the car and I quickly ran in. I found the cologne section and found the cologne. It was 120$. Man I love being rich. I bought the pack and I ran back to the car. I took off his shirt and sprayed it over the shirt. Then I put some on his neck. I put some in my hands and ran them through his hair. I patted some on his wrist. I hugged him and smelt him. He smelt like the cologne.

"Alright who wants this." I say as I hand it to whoever said me. Jayden practically yelled out me as I handed it to him. I got a mini and asked who wanted this one. Ryder stole it before anyone could respond.

I lead Sebastian to the front door and knocked on the door. "Hello?" Ryan said before he practically hugged Sebastian as tight as he could. I laughed as I left them there. I hoped they would date someday, Sebastian really is In love.

Chat idk what this is I am bored

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