.CH 4~oliegie?

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Erm sorry I was absent for so long ✌️
3rd person POV

Over the course of 2 months, NSB started creating more YouTube videos, uploading every day. Everyone got closer, and soon they became closer to Oliver. Still never his best friend. Oliver was still closer to Sebastian than anybody else, it was his brother at the end of the day. They were doing a "First to pull away loses" video.


I was up first with Regie as my partner. Sebastian made a new "ship" named Oliegie or something. It's stupid, but we're playing along with it because the fans seem to enjoy the ships. I already knew I was going to be partners with Regie, but he didn't know. It was whatever though; we started the video and we both got a candy strip in our mouths at each end. We started, and I took slow small bites, and he did too. Sebastian started complaining about how slow we were going and that caused all of NSB to complain about him. Regie and I started laughing as I noticed his pace got faster, he was now taking big fast bites. I quickly pulled away laughing.


Me and Oliver were up as partners for the Candy kiss video, and I decided to take it slow at first, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I ended up winning the challenge because of pure pressure.

AFTER THE VIDEO (Still regies pov)

"Oliegie went hard in that video, not going to lie." I heard Sebastian say. "Alright bro, shut up." I heard Oli say in a joking manner as I laughed at them.

We decided to go to McDonald's for lunch and on the ride there we had to squeeze in so Oli was on the ground with Ryan. "Yo bro why don't you two just sit on somebody's lap." I hear Darren say from the passenger seat. "Nuh uh I'm not willing to sit on anybody's lap." Oli said I expected him to say no although Darren had a point it would be more reasonable. "For real man I don't even hug you guys." I head Ryan add on and I was surprised because he had been real buddy buddy with Sebastian. "It would be more practical not gonna lie." I said as Oliver side eyed me. I laughed at the look on his face. "No way." I heard Ryan say. "Dude you've already sat on Sebastian's lap one more time won't hurt." Darren argued back. "That was for a dare okay don't bring that into this." They were arguing and Ryan almost got up but he couldn't because Sebastian's legs were in the way.

We got to the McDonald's and they had to be quiet because Kane was ordering for everyone. We got our food and it was expensive nobody knew who was gonna pay until Oliver got up and gave the girl his phone. "Use the Apple Pay on the 3rd card please." He said and Sebastian got confuse. "You only own 2 cards?" He questioned. "It's Aris's don't worry she's rich she'll be fine." He went to go sit down but was having a hard time getting back in. "Just sit in my lap oli." I said to him as I pulled him into my lap. Sebastian and Oliver had a disagreement and Oliver said he was gonna call up Aris to tell her he spent her money.

The worker handed Oliver back his phone and Oliver immediately went to FaceTime. "Hi Aris." "What do you want." I heard her say harshly. She seemed like a bitch. "Don't say any cancel worthy things right now. Just saying I'm with NSB." I was wondering why he had to give her a warning. "You seriously think I care about those faggots?" She replied harshly as my mouth went agape. "I spent your money." He said to quickly change the subject. "Okay, I don't care. I make more money than you anyways." "You're an actor that's not fair." He said completely forgetting what she called us. "Decline." Sebastian said staring at oli. Oli gave him a look and declined the call. "Why did she call us a slur bro." Justin said quickly I was interested too. "Uh I don't really know." He responded dryly. "Is she a lesbian?" Ryan questioned. "Nah homophobic actually." He said. "Just ignore her she's not a good influence nobody else become friends with her." Sebastian said making Oliver give him a glare. We all knew nobody was gonna be friends with her after that. The rest of the car ride was practically shit talking about Aris.

At home (Oliver's POV)

I was a-bit pissed off that they were talking about Aris in the car while I was listening. I ignored them and went upstairs watching TikTok and updating Aris about what they said about her. I
saw the door open and payed no attention to it. It was Sebastian. He wanted to talk about what Aris Said in the car, I knew that she was wrong for saying it, but I couldn't admit that in the car at the moment so this was the perfect time to finally admit that with Sebastian alone. "Hey so about what Aris said in the car." "Don't worry I already talked with her she said she'll watch her mouth and not make rude comments." Sebastian looked kind of relieved and he sighed softly. "Okay good thank you Oliver." He said as he walked out.

I continued watching TikTok till another person came in my room. I was exhausted at this point, I didn't know why though. They walked it the dresser changed and wore pajama pants shirtless, they then hugged me from behind. I set my phone down and got closer to him.

"Why are you friends with her?" I heard Regie mumble into my neck. "Because she's nice." He stopped for a second. "Have you guys ever dated?" I got confused. Why did he wanna know? Did Sebastian tell him to ask me that? I ignored it and answered honestly. "No I've only dated one girl I don't remember her name." "Only one? I thought you would've dated more people honestly." I got confused because he's seen the people I talk to on snap. "No she's the only girl. Not the only person I've dated a lot of people and I've been on and off with this one guy. He's kind of annoying me." I say as I grab my phone again and open Snapchat. To show him a photo.


Erm idk how to feel about this 😭

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