.ch 8~whos this?

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Oliver's POV

"OLIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" I heard a female voice yell I looked over and felt somebody jump on top of my back. I caught her and everyone looked at us like we were insane. "This is Aris." I say as Sebastian just sighed heavily. "Sebastian you're very obviously happy to see me." Aris said as she got off my back and smiled at him. "Holy shit you're gorgeous." I hear one of the members say. "No shes ugly." I say as a joke. "Stop bullying me you fag." She said as a joke and a laughed. "Go eat another dog." She said and I didn't want to make a racist joke but it just kind of slipped out of my mouth. "Go bomb another capital." I say before my face goes pale and Sebastian just stares at me. She noticed my distress and got confused.

"What doesn't he make jokes like this all the time? You guys need to be less strict you know." She said as she picked up my bat and started swinging. "Yeah well Aris I'm sorry that you think that way but we aren't looking to be cancelled." I heard Sebastian say, I felt guilty I felt like it was my fault. "Okay let's just forget this happened let's just see how everyone does against actual pitching machines and finish this video." I say as I look at the ground and start walking to home plate with everyone so we can film the video.

We filmed the video and Aris didn't know how to hit baseballs that well but the ones she did hit went flying. "Oli how much you wanna bet I can hit this to the fence." Aris said. "1000 dollars you can't." I said I had my hopes high for this one and she actually got in ready position this was when I knew I fucked up. She hit it and I watched closely luckily for me it hit the ground before it could hit the fence. "On god my life just flashed before my life." I said as Aris just looked at the ball blankly. "How the hell did that not make it to the fence." She said not realizing the pitching machine was pitching another ball. The ball went past her not even close to her and she screamed high pitched as everyone laughed at her scream, I was shocked because even Sebastian laughed a bit.

We ended up playing till night and Darren even got Aris's number and she smiled at him and left.

Once she was out of hearing range I look at everyone. "How did you guys feel about her." I asked everyone. "She was gorgeous bro." I heard Darren say first. "She may be pretty but she's rude as fuck don't fall for her Darren." I hear Seb say. "Come on give her a chance Seb, you were the only one complaining." I say as I look at everyone else. "The only rude thing about her is that she just says slurs you know." I hear Justin add on as everyone was agreeing. I noticed that it's only when everyone actually sees her in person they start defending her. When they see how pretty she is. Sebastian was kind of arguing a wall because nobody would budge they just kept defending her.

"Okay let's just forget this happened and just go home I'm tired." I said not wanting the argument to continue.

We got home and I went to shower I was thinking about reasons why Sebastian hated Aris. Was he dramatic? No Sebastian isn't like that. Did she say something rude about him? Doesn't seem like her, especially if she knows I love him because he's family. Possibilities were rolling through my head as I finished my shower I went to my bed.

I got my clothes on and Regie stared me up and down. "What?" I ask as I stare back at him. "Nothing. You just have a good toned body." I smile at his words. "Thank you." I say as I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Come here I have to tell you something." I say as I signal for him to get close. He got next to me and I was trying not to laugh as I put my hand on his chest so we could get some distance and I put my mouth near his lips. "Happy May first." I say before I smack his ass and start laughing as I try to run away. He grabs my waist and slaps my ass making me fall. "Oww regie that's the third time this day." I say as I laugh at him and he picks me up and we go to the bed. We both lay down and talk about today.

"Yeah that Aris girl is one hell of a player, and she's gorgeous as well. She has facial harmony, symmetry, a good body, and a perfect skin tone for her looks." While regie was rambling about how good Aris looked I felt a pang in my chest, I don't know if it was jealousy or something but something bothered me about his words. Before I knew it I was staring off into space.

I felt hands grip my thighs as I looked into Regie's eyes, they looked like he was worried for me. I apologized and told him to continue. "Sorry, go continue." I said. "Oh no I just wanted to know if you were okay, you were staring off into space and looked abit sad you know." I nodded and smiled at him before we got called down to dinner.

"I'm not hungry go without me." I say as regie just nods and goes downstairs as he removes his grip from my thigh.

I just looked at my phone as I opened up a snap from Aris. It was of her and Ryder. I just stared at her the whole time, I was observing her facial structure and went to the bathroom as I snapped her back and looked at our snaps saved in chat.

One of them was her side profile, she had a perfect button nose. I looked at it for a few seconds before I just looked at mine. I started crying a bit and quickly tried to dry my tears. I don't even know why I looked at her side profile, I knew mine was one of my insecurities, I hated my nose, my jaw, how my lips parted, my cheek bones being noticeable, how my ears were formed, I hated everything. I continued to cry but it was silent thankfully and I locked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and just felt so disappointed.

"Why am I even crying just because I don't look like my BEFT FRIEND." I said as I sighed and grabbed some toilet paper as I wipe my tears.

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