.ch 17~whos Belle?

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In the morning I opened my phone and checked my notifications. I saw somebody dm'd me on instagram and I accepted it. (AN I DONT HAVE INSTA SO IDK IF YOU LIKE HAVE TI ACCEPT IT OR ANYTHINF WE PRETENDINF ITS EXACTLY LIKE TIKTOK).

She was gorgeous not gonna lie.

(Pic 👇)

God damn

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God damn. I must have an amazing game card if I pulled her.

"Who you texting?" I heard Darren say as he put his head on my shoulder. "Nobody." I say hiding my phone. He quickly tried to grab my phone before I dodge it again. He pinned my arms to the bed before humping me. He quickly got off and began running away. I get up drop my phone on the bed and chase after him.

He runs downstairs and sits on the kitchen table for breakfast as I look at him. I wasn't gonna punch him while he's sitting down at a table. I went back upstairs got my phone and continued messaging Belle.

He looked at our messages and cringed. "Ewwww Justin's in love." He said LOUD. Everyone got curious and I groaned out because I didn't want them knowing because then they make it a big fuss. I showed them our messages and he smirked at me.

I fake spat at him as he put his hand on my thigh and began humping the air. "What the fuck." I say laughing as he laughs too.

After a few hours of talking to her I agreed to meet up with her. I was in me and Darren's shared bedroom as I got up to get ready. "Where are you going?" He said as I raised my eyebrow. "To hang out with Belle." I said as he frowned. "Wow am I already loosing my best friend to a girl." He said wiping fake tears away. "I'm your best friend?" I ask as he looked at me with confusion. "Yeah? Am I not yours..?" He said as I shake my head no. "Nah Ryan's probably my best friends." I said. "Wow okay I see how it is. I'll find a different best friend." He said as I laughed. "Alright I didn't want that title anyways. Oh can I borrow your car by the way." I ask him.


I frowned when he said that first part and grabbed my keys. I walked up to him as I slap his ass and put them in his back pockets. "Sorry I had to you have too fat of an ass." I said as he stared at me and just exited our room. Maybe I just had to give him a break..

After 30 minutes Seb bursted into my room and closed the door immediately. "I'm bored." He said as I looked at him. "Get over on the bed then daddy." I say as he immediately runs away. I laugh as I go back to scrolling on TikTok.

Kane opens my door comes in and jumps on my bed. "Hi Darryyyyyy." He said as I looked at him. "Hi candy Kane." I said as he sat up and started talking to me. I saw the tiny camera on his sweater but I ignored it. I knew this was a prank video and I played along. "You look extra nice today." He said as I put my hand on his thigh. "Oh daddy you know that stuff turns me on." I said as he chuckled and moved closer to me. Fuck it was actually turning me on.

We continued to flirt until you could see my bulge. I throw the tiny camera across the room and kissed Kane. I couldn't hold back anymore. He kissed me back and we began making out. I pulled him onto my lap and he was now straddling me. I put my hands on his ass as I smacked it. He was moaning out my name while I helped him grind on my crotch.

We heard the front door open and Justin called everyone down. "Uh.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to please don't let thi-" I cut off Kane speaking up. "This won't ruin our friendship.. Could this kind of be like a- friends with benefits type shit. You see I need to get over somebody and you know-" I was cut off by Kane pecking my lips and getting off. I took that as I yes before we both went down.

Justin was downstairs with the girl. She was fucking 26. I side eyed Sebastian as he side eyed me back. We talked with her and she wasn't as bad as I imagined. She was just a bitch and kept ignoring me and Kane.

She finally left and Justin asked what we all thought of her. "So, any opinions?" He asked and I gave him a dead look. Everyone said anything across the lines of: "She was nice." But how the fuck was she nice if she only talked about herself. "Self centered bitch who needs to stop ignoring certain people." I said as Oliver added on. "Yeah that's true she didn't talk as much to Darren and Kane than the rest of us." He said as Justin gave us a confused look.

We had a whole conversation and Justin promised to stop talking to her.

CHAT I REMEMBER WHEN I WAS OBSESSEDDDD WIFH DANEEE. Now I'm gonna have to make Darren choose between them 🙏

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