.CH 2~Roommates?

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I stayed in my room for a couple of hours until I heard a knock at the door. I got confused and told them to come in. "Come in." I said, keeping it short. I looked at them walking in and they were shirtless? What the fuck. "Ew man put a shirt on." I said as I looked at him. "No, you didn't tell me what to do." He said that as he set his bags down. I didn't even know what he wanted, so I asked him. "Why are you here?" He didn't respond for a couple of seconds; he just went and pulled his pants down. "Dude what the fuck." I said as I closed my eyes and hid my phone. "I'm changing? I'm done now." I opened my eyes and saw his pants were sagging. Ugh I hate guys like that. "Can you maybe you know" I said as I looked down at his pants. "Huh? You want me to show more of my dick or something?" I felt my cheeks go Rosey because this whole conversation was really embarrassing. "Uhh n-no would you like lift your pants." I said as I wanted to pull the trigger at that very moment. I heard him laugh a bit, and then I realized this was the guy I had been fighting with all day. He went up to my bed and laid on it as he was grabbing his phone while doing so. "Get out." "What? It's my room too." I heard him say. I felt like I was going to die. This meat head who constantly makes sexual jokes is going to be MY roommate.

I felt eyes on my body as I was watching TikTok. I looked over at him and notice he was staring at my waist. Or my thighs? Stomach? I didn't know it was just the lower region. "What?" I questioned him as I spread my legs and looked at my lower regions. (A/N: I KNOW THIS SOUNDS BAD BUT TRUST NOTHING WILL HAPPEN 🙏🙏) "Nothing you just have more feminine body." What the hell does he even know English? "Its 'have a more feminine body'." After I said that I realized what he said and felt my cheeks go Rosey from embarrassment. "What do you mean by like f-feminine." I said stuttering dammit I hate having this problem. I knew it was just out of embarrassment, but there was a possibility that he thought it was from being flustered, and I hated those possibilities. "I don't really know, you just look feminine, and it doesn't make you look as ugly as I thought it would." I couldn't tell if he was calling me ugly or hot, but it didn't matter really. "Wait, that sounds like I'm a creep. Sorry." He said, I didn't know if he was actually sorry or not, so I just shook my head, yes, and got up to go downstairs. Dinner should be ready if Seb is cooking. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He said and I looked back as I responded to him. "Dinner." Was all I said.

He was introducing himself again and his name was Regie. He was from the Philippines and liked cooking. Why wasn't he downstairs cooking then? He just had to be annoying me. Anyway, I went downstairs and noticed nobody was cooking. "Sebby? Are you cooking today?" "Nah, we're buying food today." I heard somebody mumble 'Sebby.' to their friends in a mocking voice and they laughed quietly. I rolled my eyes and walked outside grabbing my keys. "Oli, where are you going?" I heard Seb say. "Nowhere Sebastian, tell me when dinner is here." I said as I walked out of the house and into my car. I started driving to a gas station nearby, and I went to get water. I walked up to the register, and he asked me if that was all today, and I said no. "Is that all for you today?" "No, can I get a... Pack, crush camel cigarettes please." I heard him chuckle to himself. "You don't seem like a cigarette kind of guy plus you look so young and beautiful. Here if I get your number, then I'll give you a 12 pack." I wasn't really that mad, he did look hot, so I agreed, and I wrote it down on his hand because we didn't have any paper. I grabbed my things and flashed him a smile, thanking him.

I went to the park and sat on a bench just scrolling on TikTok. I took a picture of a snap of me smoking a cigarette. I blurred it out because I planned on using that picture for a TikTok slideshow. I noticed kids coming to the park, so I quickly got out of there, so I didn't, I guess, 'influence' them to do it in the future or the older kids that were watching them. I got a call from Seb. I was guessing the food was there. I answered it and started driving home. "Hey Sebastian" I said as I was driving. "The food here where did you go?" He spoke. "Just the park." I replied wanting to keep it short. "Are you sure?" He asked I knew he was worried about my 'past addiction' but calm down a bit man. "Yes Sebastian." I said calmly as I pulled into the driveway. "I'm here bye." I said as I got out of the car and hid my cigarettes. I walked in, and he told me to empty my pockets immediately. "Really Sebastian? Is this necessary?" I asked, feeling embarrassed. "Yes," he said sternly. I emptied my pockets. The cigs were in my inside pockets of the jacket. "Oli, I've borrowed that jacket before, even the inside pockets." I sighed and took the cigs out, tossing them to him with a disappointed look on my face. "Oli seriously?" He said as I got out my food from the bag. "Yes seriously. Today was tiring." I said as I saw him throw the cigs away. "Wait Sebby, I paid for those, at least let me finish them." I said, using the nickname to try and guilt him into giving them back. Everyone was at the table eating, overhearing our conversation. "No go eats." He said, as I sat down next to Regie. Everyone was in their own conversation as I was looking at the trash. My cigs were in there. I went to the fridge to 'get water to see if anybody noticed nobody was, so I opened the trash and quickly got my cigs a put them in my pockets.

I didn't think anybody noticed, but I felt Regie reach out and grab them from my pockets. I gave him an 'are you for real right now' kind of look as his talking partner went into a different conversation. "You got a great flavor." He said, looking at the box. "I don't smoke anymore, though I use vapes once in a while though." He said smiling, he had a great smile. I kind of admire him as he is rambling about something I think it's about me stopping or something, but I didn't listen. I was just admiring him. I noticed what I was doing and stopped. He gave me my box back and put his hand on my thigh. I felt my cheeks get Rosey again from his hands. Dammit what is this man doing to me? I continued to eat as he was talking with people. I put an air pod in my ear and started listening to music.










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