.ch 18 ~ oliegie.

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My back. I can't describe the pain I felt. My insides felt like they were compressing my back or something. I laid on my bed as Regie hugged me from behind. "Stop Regie it hurts." I say as I try to move away from him. He put his hand on his hips and began to massage my back. I groaned in relief as I laid there resting.

He got up and I felt something cold hit my back. "Sorry, it's bio freeze. It's supposed to numb the pain." He said as I nodded my head. He began to massage the gel into my back. It felt amazing. He got a roll on bio freeze and rolled it on my back. Damn he had a lot of those things.

After a couple of minutes he began to wrap my back. He put a heating pad on my back and kissed the back of my ear. I hugged a pillow as I looked into the mirror. We locked eyes in the mirror and it was kind of a staring contest now. He smiled which made us laugh and we broke eye contact.

"I'm going to get you food and beverages be right back baby." I heard him say as he kissed the back of my ear and left.

Why did I want more.


I walked downstairs as I searched up the best foods after sex.

"After sex, you can try eating or drinking foods that are easy to digest and replenish fluids lost during sexual activity:
Hummus and whole-grain pitas: Hummus is high in protein and carbs, and whole-grain pitas add more nutritional value
Yogurt with berries: A healthy snack option
Water: Replenishes fluids lost during sex
Cranberry juice: Can help prevent UTIs and induce urination
Buttermilk: Contains essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6, B12, and riboflavin"

I didn't know what any of that meant so I just door dashed some McDonald's for him. I got him a random meal that had a lot of food and I got him an iced tea with no sugar. I swear Aris got him addicted to that drink. When the food got here I grabbed the bag and went upstairs. I heard him crying on the bed when I walked in.

"Oli what's wrong.." I said as I put the food on our desk and locked the door. I walked over to him and wiped his tears away. I was in a catcher like position, like a squat. "I thought you left me." He said as I laughed lightly. He punched my shoulder as I apologized and hugged him. "I'm sorry I laughed Oli but that's so unlike me." I say as I kiss his nape. He stopped crying and looked at the food.

"Go get my food." He said as he looked at me. "Not even a please?" I say as I laugh abit. "You made me cry now go." He said as he pointed to the food. I laughed as I got the bag and drinks and walked over to the bed.

I brought the blanket over us and sat him up. I turned on the tv and put both our phones on do not disturb. I gave him the chicken nuggets first and his drink. "Is it sweetened..?" He asked as I smiled at him. "No darling it isn't. Why would I get you a drink you hate?" I say as he smiled and lays his head on my shoulder.

We ate and watched a horror movie. After the movie we turned on peppa pig because he was too scared. I silently laughed as I looked at him. He was like a teenage girl. I stole one of his chicken nuggets and he slapped me. "You have 40 chicken nuggets I can't have 1?!" I say as my jaw drops. "No you made me cry." He said as he turned back to the tv and laid on me. "Am I like your slave now because I made you cry?" I say as I smile at him. "Yes." He said and I laughed. I wrapped my hand around his waist as I ate my burger.

I stole a fry from him and he slapped my head. "Come on I didn't have a fry all day!!" I said as he kissed my cheek. "Don't make me cry then." He said as I cupped his face. I pecked his lips as we continued to watch cartoons.

He fell asleep with half of his nuggets still. I'm surprised he finished even a large fry and 25 nuggets, plus a drink. I silently laughed as I finished his food and threw the trash away.

When I came back to the room he was crying again. "Oli come here." I say as I sat on the bed. He silently cried into my shoulder. "Why are you crying now?" I ask as he showed me his phone. It was a picture of an old man crying, a TikTok slideshow. The next slide showed the love app thing and they were married for 70 years before she died. I felt my smile drop as I hugged him. "Oli come on, don't get sad about it. Imagine it as us but we never die you know?" I say as he stopped crying. He kissed my cheek as he laid his head on my shoulder. I wiped away his tears. His eyes red and puffy.

I kissed his wrists as I smelt his cologne. "You smell amazing." I say as I continue to kiss his wrists. His skin felt rough, like scars. I didn't bring it up. INCASE it was true. I silently kept kissing him till he fell asleep. We cuddled all night.

Chat this is kind of rushed so don't mind it.

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