.ch 17~Jarren?

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I don't know how it happened. How we got in this situation. Justin and I's friendship was ruined. That wasn't the most important thing right now though.

I continued to kiss him as he started straddling my lap. He was now grinding on my crotch.

"Wait wait Justin." I breathed out panting. "Are we 100% sure we want to do this.. I mean we both know how your parents would react. You know to this.." I said as his eyes went wide. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to — I-I don't know what came over me. Please don't tell anybody I don't want my parents to find out." He said all in one breath. I could feel his fear from a mile away and I put my hand on his thigh. "I won't say anything Justin relax." I said as he calmed down.

We both went into the kitchen and I couldn't stop staring at him. He had a FAT ass. Fatter than me. That's saying something.

I was making him food before he shoved a chocolate cookie down my throat and I started choking. I quickly recovered and asked him what the hell that was. "What the fuck?" I say as he finally speaks up. "Eat." Was all he said. I sighed as I cleaned the mess and got back to cooking, I had a mask on this time. He sighed as he ate a cookie.

After 20 minutes he was eating the noodles I gave him. More like slurping them but you know.

Wished I was the noodles right now for real.

I chuckled to myself as I thought of that and he gave me a judgmental look. "What fat ass? Hungry? Go eat." He said as I shook my head no and went upstairs.

I sat on my bed before I sighed and looked at my stomach. I got up and looked in the mirror. I stopped sucking in. Justin came into the room and tackled me onto the bed.

"OWWW what the fuck is with you and abusing me today." I say as he cuddles me.

"You're exactly like cuddling a teddy bear." He mumbled into the crook of my neck. "Damn I can't tell if that's backhanded or not." I say, I didn't want to be a teddy bear, I wanted to be like a stick or some shit. Not a fat ass bear.

I just sighed as I carried him on my back and turned off the lights as we went to bed.


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