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Regie pov

I saw Oliver's ex and judging by this I can assume, he has terrible taste. "How the hell did he pull you bro." He laughed at that and continued to explain. "Well he's really funny and super nice so I think that's why." He said as his cheeks were Rosey.

(What he looked like ⬇️)

I obviously didn't like him and I had an off feeling

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I obviously didn't like him and I had an off feeling. "Why did you break up with him." Oliver went silent almost like he was looking for an excuse. "If you don't want to tell me it's okay like if it's personal or something." I say adding onto what I said. "No it's just I'm trying to word it you know?" He said as he was thinking still. "I guess you could say he was leading me on the first time, he never liked me the second time, and he was cheating on me the third." I got confused because why was he still getting with him. "Why did you date him if he's such an asshole?" He stayed silent again for a few seconds. "I don't know." He then said.

We talked for the next few hours about our past relationships. "You know those videos of couples and they're like cuddling or something and everyone comments on like hand placement." He said and I said yes I had a few saved as ideas to do with my future girlfriend. "Yea what about them?" He was about to speak but then stopped. "No Oli please, now I'm interested." "No it's embarrassing." He said, I eventually pressured him into saying it and he showed me a video of him doing one of those videos with somebody. They were ugly. "Ew who the hell is that." I said as he slapped my shoulder a little bit. "He's hot stop." He said as I just watched the video.

(Reference ⬇️)

(What his ex looked like ⬇️)

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(What his ex looked like ⬇️)


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It was a video of Oliver lip syncing to the song "Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey". "Great song." I said as I watched it. "It's not embarrassing I have a few saved because I want to do it with my future girlfriend in fact." I said as I snapped a quick photo and sent it to myself, the NSB gc, his so story, and a person named "Rando" on snap. I gave him his phone back and he gave me an "are you serious" kind of look. "What I'm hot." I said casually as I hug his waist again. "No let me free." He said as he tried to move away but I kept my grip firm on him.

In the morning

3rd POV:

Oliver and regie were tired the next day. They talked all night and only slept for 4 hours, before somebody woke them up. "GET UP." Justin yelled longing the "p" (like "uppppppp"). Justin jumped on the bed waking Oliver and Regie. "I feel like I'm interrupting." He said making Sebastian laugh along with him they had to wake them up before the meeting started. Regie and Oliver got changed and went downstairs.

"Now I know you guys might not know but.. we're going to time square!" Ty said as everyone started cheering. Oliver was the only one that didn't know so he was kind of just frozen.

Oliver POV

"Wait we're actually going to time square?" I asked and Ty confirmed and I was so happy. I didn't express it but it was very obvious.

Time skip to NYC because the rest is brining n shi

Oliver pov

We got to time square to get ready. I was wearing a black dress shirt and black pants with a belt, everyone else was wearing something similar. We got to time square and I made sure I put a hair tie around my wrist even tho I don't have long hair. We said hi to everyone and then it happened people started filling in. (AN I didn't watch the video so it will be VERY inaccurate 🙏) I started stressing out people were touching us 24/7 and somebody tried to pull my pants down but I had to hold onto them. Kane fell off the car and I had to help him up. Everyone was stressing I started snapping the rubber band on my wrist to try and calm myself down but that was barely working so I stopped.

After time square

I was in the car with NSB and I was  stressed to say the least. Sebastian started to talk to me because everyone was abit shaken up. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yes, are you?" I asked him as I noticed his legs were shaking. "Yes the worst thing that happened was just that somebody touched my crotch, but I can get over that." I sighed as I looked disappointed. "This was a terrible idea." I said as everyone started talking.

At home

Regie's pov

I sat in my bed and watched some TikTok as I felt hands wrap around my waist. I put my hands over theirs as I knew who it was. Oliver Moy. I turn my attention away from my phone and look towards Oliver. "Hey love." I say as he nodded his head and put his head in the crook of my neck. I draw stars with my hand on his back ; it helped him calm down. "Oli are you okay?" I say because he wasn't talking. "Mhm, just tired." He mumbled and I began to kiss his neck. I don't know what came over me but I stopped immediately. "I'm sorry. I just like uhm you know I like." I couldn't get words out of my mouth he just laughed and kissed my shoulder. I felt a relief come off my chest as I just hugged him and cuddled him for the rest of the night.


This is so gay wth 😭

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