.ch 7~sports/gym.

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Oliver POV

We had to do sports for today's video and we started off with baseball. Only Seb knows this but I did baseball for like 4 years of my life then quit for basketball. Now that I realize it I did sports for half of my life, so did Seb I think it was just the: "we're better than you." Act my parents had to keep. So we did alot of extra curricular activities, sports, school work, and more I can't remember. I was also calling Aris to try and help with my swing because I didn't know if I would do good or not. "Aris I need help." I say. She was quiet for a few seconds. "Shut the fuck up you always need help are you autistic." "Mother fucker no." I say trying not to laugh because we were filming.

"Oli who you calling right now." I heard Regie say and I tried to shut him up but it didn't work so I ended the call and decided not to answer them. "Nobody important." I say as I put my phone in my back pocket. "Oh so it's Aris." I heard Justin say as everyone started to laugh I didn't laugh tho. Aris was very much important, to me, to her coworkers, her boss, and like I don't know the people who keep asking for her nudes. But she was important in general, she may have a bad personality but she's smart as hell and pretty and athletic and an immigrant so like yeah. "Blur out their name or they're gonna be pissed." I say as they said they would blur it out for me. "Okay let's start the video." I heard Seb say as Ryan swiped the video.

"First up we're doing baseball and some people don't know how to play this so we're watching a video." I heard Sebastian say as he looked at Ryan. They had been real buddy buddy lately and it's pissing me off. Like they obviously like each other just confess. Thats like what Andrew's doing with me right now. I'm NOT confessing first just saying. We started the video and we hit a few balls. Regie was doing really well, he was the only one I was paying attention too. I don't know why I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked majestic, it was golden hour and I couldn't help but notice how his smile lit up, his eyes looking golden brown, his skin matching so well, his hair shining, and his skin looking perfect. I think he was just perfect in general. I wasn't admiring him I was just observing him. I looked away once he started to notice I was staring. "Oli you good cuh." He said and I looked away nodding my head as I got ready to hit another ball. "Oli come help me put the bases on." Regie yelled as I started to jog over there. "Why were you staring." He said once we were out of camera view. "I wasn't." I say my heart beat going up. "Sure I definitely didn't catch you staring at me." He said smirking with that stupid ugly smile of his. "Your smile is stupid." I say my face getting hot. "Nuh uh I have a beautiful smile." Regie says as he smiles. We haven't even picked up the bags yet so I bend over to get one. I feel a hard slap on my ass as I yelp in pain. "Owwww Regie what the hell was that for." I said looking at him. "Happy May first slap an ass day." He says smirking as he opens his phone and shows me one TikTok.

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(The TikTok ⬆️⬆️)

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(The TikTok ⬆️⬆️)

"Seriously you had to do it with me out of everyone." I say looking at him about to start laughing. "Hell yeah I didn't want to do it to anybody else." He says laughing at my reaction. "Whatever you're unbelievable." I say as he slapped my ass again. "Ow Regieeeee!!" I say longing out the "e" as he laughed at me again. "Okay I'm sorry Oli." He says as he grabs my hand and kisses it. "You better be. I'm ignoring you for the rest of the video." "Olii." He said longing out the "I" as we walked out with bases. "Finally what did you guys do have sex." I heard Justin say as everyone started laughing. "No I wish tho mother fucker has a fat ass." I heard Regie say as everyone laughed beside Sebastian, he was giving a side eye to the camera. I laughed quietly as I put the bases down and went up to the camera. "I think we're good enough to be a team you guys." I heard Kane say as everyone started agreeing besides Seb, me, and Regie. "Mother fucker you need atleast 9 players." I heard Kane say a "oh" and everyone started laughing. "Wait does anybody have any athletic friends." I see Seb look at me with a "you better not say it" look. "Yeah and she's got some middle school friends that played as well." "How much players does that add up to." I started counting, we already had 7 in NSB so we just needed like 3 more and I have Aris, her future husband, her ex future husband, her husband's friend, and her friends. "We can have a team of 14." I say as I look at them. "Holy shit how much friends do you have." I hear Ryan say. "It's my friend's friends so." I say as I grab my phone and send her my location. "How good is she." "Played in college and went into college at 15 so probably average." I say as I look up at the camera. "What the fuck is bro on I need some of that." I laugh a little and just look at Ryan. "Nah she's just Asian." I say and everyone laughed. We waited for a bit talking about how we were gonna magically beat a bunch of teams that don't even exist. "So Aris played sports?" I heard Regie say. "Yeah how did you know?" I say giving him a confused look. "Well you said your friend went to college at 15 and said she also did. So it's kind of common sense."  I get a bit shocked that he remembered but just continued to talk to them.


Late upload because it was supposed to upload it yesterday but I forgot so yea 😋

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