.ch20 ~ hangover.

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Ryan POV

I hugged Sebastian and Aris left. I brang Sebastian inside and Oliver immediately started asking him questions. "Where have you been? Who were you with? Why did you leave?" I sighed as I sat him on the couch. He has big doe eyes, not his normal eyes. "Calm down Oliver. He's safe." I said as Oliver just sighed.

"Well, I was at Aris's house, I was with her friends, and left because.. I could." He said that and I furrowed my eyes. "Excuse me?" I spoke up. "Huh? Is something wrong?" He said completely obliviously. "Yes something's wrong! You may be a grown adult but you can't leave without us knowing. It's unsafe and what if you got hurt. Or what if you got raped or something. Or kidnapped." I said As he stared at the floor. "I don't know.." He said in a guilt ridden voice. "Exactly. Please check in with us before hand." I said as I hugged him.

I put my face in the crook of his neck. I immediately noticed his strong Cologne. I started coughing and I pulled away from him. "What the hell. How much cologne did you put on?" I said as I looked at him. He got confused. "Just like 2 sprays I don't know." He said. "That's not 2 sprays.." I said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Oliver took a smell and immediately pulled back. "God damn that's intense." He said as everyone began to smell him. They all had the same reaction.  Oliver suddenly began to panic.

"Go walk right now. In a straight line no fumbles no nothing." Oliver said as I sneered at his suggestion. "He's not drunk he's not even able to buy alcohol." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Aris is old enough." Oliver said. My eyes widened a bit. "Go walk now." I said as I pushed Sebastian off the couch. He stumbled forward before he got in a straight good posture position. He began to walk, and was terrible.

Oliver immediately got his phone and started to call Aris, or at least I hope it was Aris. "Aris why?" He said. We all left to give the 3 their privacy.

Oliver POV

"I'm sorry Oliver. He was heartbroken and he said he had drunk before. Has he not drunken before?" She asked. I sighed as I looked at Sebastian. "One second." I said as I muted myself.

"Sebastian why did you lie to her?" I asked as he immediately started to cry. I sighed as I patted the couch spot next to me. He instantly ran to me and hugged me burring his head in my shoulder. I hugged him back and unmuted myself saying I was gonna call Aris back. "Bull shit you never call me back!" She said before I hung up.

I let Sebastian cry into my shoulder as I heard somebody walk downstairs. Ryan came down with an empty water bottle. He was refilling it and it was awkward for him and I. He quickly finished up and ran back upstairs.

I told Sebastian to explain everything. Once he finished I pulled him in for another hug. "Go upstairs into my room." I said as he got up and walked upstairs. I grabbed an ice cream tub, a tall glass of water, and some chocolate before I went upstairs.

I put all of it on my desk as I turned my tv on. I saw Regie and Sebastian talking before I sat on the bed with them. I gave Sebastian the chocolate and ice cream at first he refused before Regie tried to eat the ice cream, then he slapped Regie's hand and grabbed a spoon.

We watched shows and movies and Sebastian ate food before bed. He hugged both of us and I didn't like that he was hugging Regie. I ignored it though. When he left he cleaned up his mess and I was grateful.

I sighed on the bed. "What's that look?" Regie asked me. "Nothing." I said as he cupped my face. "Oliver tell me right now." He said as he looked into my eyes. I ignored him and slapped his hand away. "Stop." I said in a flustered tone. "Don't tell me to stop I'm trying to help you." He said as I ignored him. "Fine." He said as he went on his phone.

I followed his movements also going on my phone. I was getting a face time call from Andrew and k got confused, but still answered. "Hey!" He said as he showed me an adorable smile. "Hi Andy!" I said as Regie looked at me. We talked for a few hours before I hung up to go to bed.

"Who was that?" Regie asked in a serious tone. I didn't respond. I was still mad at him. I got up to my desk and put my phone on the charger. I sat on my desk chair to check any last minute messages. Regie bent down and adjusted my chair to make it go super low. "Seriously?" I asked as I got up. He went back to the bed and sat down. I rolled my eyes as I bent over to adjust the chair.

I got up and looked back at him. He was staring at me. "Perv." I said as I finished checking my notifications. I went back to the bed and acted as if he wasn't there. I put my left leg on his lap and the right behind him. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Angry make up sex?" Regie asked me. "Hell yeah." I said as I got up and cupped his face.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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