5. The Beater and the Bludger

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The rest of that rainy day, Camellia's body ached.
After their early morning tryst, the pair had gone back to bed to get some sleep, unsuccessfully of course. Camellia had tossed and turned trying to get at least an hour or two of rest, but the combination of her trembling legs and the elation of having had the best sex of her life with none other than Fred Weasley- well, simply put, there was no room for sleep.

At about eleven or so, her friends had begun to stir and head down to the first floor. Camellia got up from her bed and followed suit, where she was greeted by the sight of a sleeping Hermione at the dining table. She looked at Ginny, who had also noticed, and they gave each other endearing smiles. Camellia approached Hermione quietly- she was sleeping with her arms and head on the table, her wand next to her, and snoring softly.

Camellia rested a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Hermione," she said sweetly. "Wake up, lovely, you fell asleep at the table."

She stirred and lifted her head. Her eyes were bleary and tired, but she smiled. "I did? - Oh. I did."

"Yeah," Ginny giggled. "Why don't you go on up to bed and rest awhile?"

Hermione nodded and yawned. "Good idea. Ooh, and I found the spell!"

Camellia smiled and looked around the room, which was completely dry. "You did! That's brilliant, Hermione, well done!"

She smiled proudly. "I was just pronouncing it wrong. It was aqua aridam."

"Damn, you were really close," laughed Ginny.
"Come on, let's get you to bed."

Ginny guided Hermione up to their room, passing Harry on the stairs. Harry gave Ginny a grin and greeted the two girls, then Camellia.

"Morning, Cam," he said. "Sleep alright?"

"Couldn't really get to sleep, honestly. I guess the adrenaline from all the excitement this morning kept me up," she replied. Technically, she wasn't lying...

"Yeah, I had a hard time too. I was about to fall asleep after about half an hour when Fred decided to finally come to bed," Harry said.

"Oh?" Camellia said, feigning surprise. "How come?"

Harry shrugged. "No idea. He was breathing all heavy, so I assumed he'd been downstairs helping Hermione dry up all the furniture."

Camellia bit back a smile. "Probably," she said shortly. "Sorry he woke you."

'"S'alright. I think I was the only one awake, so it's no big deal."

At that moment, Ron and George came jogging down the stairs. "Mornin'," said George with a grin.

Harry and Camellia greeted the two, and they all chatted for a moment about the crazy morning they'd all had, until Fred came down the steps and greeted them all.

"Morning, all," he said. "I'm going to be outside batting for a bit if anyone needs me."

He went straight to the door and out, and the group looked at each other. Fred was normally very chatty and social with them in the morning, so his walking straight out was a bit odd. George eyed Camellia with a suspicious expression, but said nothing.

After a while, Camellia went into the kitchen to start making breakfast for everyone, and George followed close behind.

"So, Cam," he started, and Camellia's stomach tensed nervously. "Been quite close to Freddie lately, have we?"

Camellia busied herself with collecting ingredients and avoided his gaze. "Well, yeah, we're friends, why wouldn't we be close?"

George scoffed quietly, and began helping her. "It's just seemed that you two have been closer than usual. Nothing wrong with that, I've only just noticed, that's all."

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