31. Back to the Burrow

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Everyone at the cabin packed as swiftly as they could so that they would be back at the Burrow before too late in the evening.

Camellia had just finished packing her things, and she went to go check on Hermione while Molly, Arthur and Bill collected their things from the other rooms in the house, and Neville tended to the house elves.

She was sitting on the bed, a tired, dazed look in her eye, while Ron packed her things for her, clearly trying to hide how worried he was. He was talking softly to her and making sure he got everything when Cam knocked on the open door.

"Hi, Cami," Hermione said with a weak smile, and Camellia entered the room.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, gently rubbing her back. Ron wasn't saying anything, he was focusing on packing, but Camellia could tell how nervous he was.

Hermione gingerly felt the back of her head, and said, "Erm... I don't know. I'm really dizzy... and I can't really remember what happened that made me fall so hard..." She looked Camellia in the eyes, and she saw that her pupils were different sizes. She'd gotten a concussion, which Camellia knew had to be treated with a potion, not just a spell, so they needed to get her back to the Burrow as soon as possible.

Ron zipped up Hermione's bag and set her jacket on top of it. "Okay... I think I've got everything. Is there anything else you can think of?"

Hermione shook her head, and Ron came up and hugged her. Camellia had never seen him so gentle and caring with anyone before.

In a few moments, they heard Mr. Wesley calling them all to come downstairs with their things so they could go. Zina was already down there, talking with Mrs. Weasley while Neville set up the Portkey.

Everyone made sure that their beds were stripped and clean so Nancy and Otto wouldn't have to work so hard, and they took their bags downstairs with them, standing in a group around the Portkey.

Neville set it down on the floor and addressed them
all. "Alright, this should take you directly back to
the Burrow. I've got my own Portkey, and I think I'll
be staying here for a day or two to make sure that Nancy and Otto are okay. But you all go ahead and
go. Ready?"

Everyone nodded, and Neville levitated the Portkey so they could all take hold of it. He counted down from three, and suddenly, a magnetic force pulled them in, and the cabin disappeared around them.

In mere moments they landed on the grass just outside the Burrow, Ron holding Hermione to make sure she didn't fall, and they began making their way inside.

"Alright, everyone..." said Mrs. Weasley. "Bill and Fleur are still staying in Percy's room, so I'll put you boys in Ron and the twins' room, and then girls, you can stay in Ginny's. I'm so sorry about the tight quarters, but if anyone wants to sleep on the couch they're welcome to."

She walked up to Hermione and led her to the kitchen, while everyone else brought their things up to their bedrooms. When in Ginny's room, Zina look around haughtily, like she disapproved, and for a moment Camellia felt a surge of distrust towards her, but it quickly faded.

Camellia set down her things and walked down the hall to Ron's room, where the boys were quietly setting their things down- Fred, George, and Ron on their own beds, and Harry on a mattress they'd brought down for him to sleep on.

"Hey, Cam," said Harry, giving her a small smile, and she went and sat on Fred's bed.

"How are you all feeling...?" she asked cautiously.

Fred replied, "Pretty shit, honestly," rubbing the back of his neck. "My head's killing me... I dunno what happened, it's like everything's a blur."

"Same here," said George. "It's like I can't remember anything after you and Fred came home, but I almost can... I just feel really weird."

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