19. Truth or Dare

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{ AUTHOR'S NOTE} - Pictured above, I've drawn out my concept for the Weasley twins' flat above their shop in Diagon Alley. It was a lot of fun to make, and I hope it helps you picture everything a little better!

(^^ this was from the original author, i did NOT draw this. <3 )

When Fred and Camellia got back to the flat, George was already tidying up for Zina, and Harry and Hermione were playing an Atari game on the television while Ron and Ginny watched.

"How'd shopping go?" asked Ron, not looking away from the screen.

"It went great, we got Cam some really nice things," Fred said. "Oh, and George, Madam Malkin says hi."

George snickered from the kitchen, where he was magicking the dishes back into their cupboards.
"Yeah, I'll bet she does."

"So Zina's coming over?" asked Camellia, trying her best to sound casual about it. George turned around and leaned over the bar, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, she should be here in a bit, actually," he said happily. "She said her dad's been on her about work and that she's a bit stressed, so I thought she might like to take a nice night off."

"That's really sweet of you George," said Camellia, though truthfully, she'd rather have anyone else over for the evening. And speak of the devil...

Knock, knock, knock.

"That'll be her," George said when a soft knocking came at the front door. He walked over and opened it, and it was barely even a second passed before Zina grabbed George's shirt collar and pulled him down into a deep kiss.

They broke apart, and George was blushing slightly, his hands around her waist. "H-hey, Zina," he said, clearing his throat. Zina smiled up at him, her hand on his chest, and in her other hand a giftbag.

"Hello, George," she crooned, then glanced over at Fred. "And hello, Fred. Long time no see."

George looked questioningly at her, and Zina gave a dry laugh. "Oh, we ran into each other at Fortescue's only about twenty minutes ago. It was quite a coincidence, really, I just happened to be at the end of my shift and saw him out on the patio."

She set her giftbag down by the bar, then went on to greet everyone else in the room, and it didn't take more than thirty minutes of casual conversation before the alcohol was brought out. The eight of them sat in a circle around the coffee table, much like how they had a few nights ago. Starting at Camellia's right, there sat Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, George, Zina, and Fred, all either on the couches or the floor.

Zina began pouring herself a second glass of Daisyroot Draught, a drink made from daisies that Fred had gotten free from Madam Rosmerta when he'd gone to meet Mr. Knight at the Three Broomsticks. Though it wasn't as strong as Firewhisky, it could still lead to a wild night if one wasn't careful. It looked to Camellia as though Zina was very capable of handling her alcohol, like most of the circle- where she was just tipsy on her second glass, Hermione was already a giggling mess.

"So..." the Greek girl said, taking a sip of her drink.
"George was telling me how you all played Truth or Dare a few weeks ago, and how it had been a lot of fun. Maybe we should play tonight."

Ginny grinned, slowly sipping her Firewhisky.
"Yeah, we did - got pretty wild after a bit, though I reckon it was because we were at Mum and Dad's that it got so out of hand."

Zina nodded, her interest clearly piqued. "Mmm... well, I'd love to play if anyone else wants to. And since we're not in any risk of getting caught, why don't we make it a little more interesting? We-"

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