16. The Twins' Secret Stash

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The next morning, Camellia awoke slowly. Her eyes fluttered open, the morning light making her squint, and she felt Fred move next to her.

"Good morning," she said softly, looking over to see him sitting up in bed, having just woken up. He smiled softly at her and stroked her hair, wishing her a good morning as well.

"Sounds like people are awake," he yawned after greeting her, slowly rising from the bed. "I think I'll go help them with breakfast."

There were noises coming from the kitchen outside
the door, the clatter of silverware and loud conversation, and Fred pulled on sweatpants and a
t-shirt. He walked over to Camellia's side of the bed and planted a kiss on her forehead, then turned to leave when Cam spoke.

"Hold on, I'll get up too. Let me get some clothes
on." She reached into her nightstand cabinet,
where she'd learned to keep an extra set of clean, comfortable clothes, and she pulled on a t-shirt and shorts. Fred was waiting for her patiently, and she swung her legs over the bed, only to have them give
out completely when she put her weight on them.

"Whoa- Cam-" Fred exclaimed as he swiftly
caught her, helping her back onto the bed.
"You okay?"

Camellia's legs were trembling and her core ached terribly. She took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, I'm fine, just tired. I can get up, don't worry."

She tried stepping onto the carpet again, but just
like the time before, her legs shook beneath her
and wouldn't support her weight, a jolt of pain coursing through her. Fred caught her again, his
eyes full of worry.

"Camellia, what's g- oh," he said, his face going from concerned to smug in a second. "My poor darling, let's get you back into bed."

He was biting back a proud smile, and Camellia
rolled her eyes at him. "Don't get too cocky, there, Weasley," she teased, wincing as she lay back down.

"Oh, no, of course not..." he said, pulling the blankets up over her body. He then lowered his voice and spoke close to her ear, "I just gave it to you so good last night that now you're too weak to walk."

Camellia scoffed and slapped his leg playfully, blushing scarlet and making him laugh. Fred grinned and brushed her hair away from her face.

"T'll just tell the others you're not feeling well today, shall I?"

Cam nodded, then said, "Ooh, and Fred- maybe we should move our date to day after tomorrow? I mean, considering, erm..."

Fred grinned. "Of course, my love," he said, and he planted a soft kiss on the tip of her nose before leaving the room with a smile.

He'd left the door slightly open, and Camellia listened to their morning greetings as Fred walked out into the living area.

She could hear everyone but Ginny, who was evidently still deep asleep. Then, Harry asked where Camellia was.

"She isn't feeling too great this morning," Fred said seriously. "She's awake now, but I think she's going to take the day to rest."

She heard Hermione gasp, and then footsteps approaching before a light knock came at the door.

"Come in, 'Mione," Camellia chuckled, and
Hermione quietly entered the room, closing the
door behind her. She looked bright-eyed and fully awake, already dressed in a cute blouse and jeans.

"Fred said you weren't feeling well, are you alright?" she asked sweetly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, it's nothing serious, I just need to rest a bit.
Stomachache." Technically, she wasn't lying...

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