32. Midnight

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The next two days were spent at the Burrow, as Mrs. Weasley insisted on keeping everyone for
"monitoring" as she put it. These two days consisted mostly of being coddled by Mrs. Weasley and trying to process what all had happened. While most of their trip had been really fun, Camellia still felt terrible that it had ended that way, especially since it had been meant to de-stress the twins.

George hadn't come back, and he hadn't written, either. The day after they'd gotten back to the Burrow, Fred had gone to the flat to see if he might be there, but he was nowhere to be found. Fred insisted that Camellia stay at the Burrow to rest, while he returned to London during the day to work. He would come back to spend the night exhausted and saying how much he wished George were there.

But that was two days ago. After having rested and recuperated, Camellia felt well enough to go back to work, and she decided that she'd go ahead and bring her things back to the flat. That way, she could stay with Fred, and he wouldn't have to go back and forth all the time.

Hers and Fred's bags were packed, and she was saying goodbye and thank you to Mrs. Weasley.

"Of course, my darling girl," she said, kissing her on both cheeks and taking her hands. "You are always welcome here, you know that. Anytime you need a- what's this?"

She'd felt Camellia's ring on her finger, and she admired it. "This is beautiful! I hadn't noticed it before, is it new?"

Camellia grinned sheepishly, her cheeks turning pink just thinking about Fred. "It is new- Fred gave it to me. He made it, actually... it's a promise ring."

Mrs. Weasley's eyes went wide. "A wha- did you say it's a promise ring?"

Camellia nodded, and Mrs. Weasley pulled her into a tight bear hug, laughing happily. "Oh, my dear, this is so wonderful- he made this?"

"Yeah, he did," Cam blushed. "The stone is actually sea glass, from the beach he took me to on our first date."

A squeal escaped Mrs. Weasley, her eyes welling up with happy tears. "That boy... oh, you've picked a good one, Camellia. Really, a good one. And so has he."

Camellia smiled, feeling so loved as she always did around Mrs. Weasley.

"Right, well- you'd best be going," Mrs. Weasley said. "I don't want to keep you so long you're late for work."

It was eight in the morning, and the rest of her friends were still asleep, so she left a note for them saying where she'd be and that she'd come back soon. Then, she picked up her bag and Fred's, and she took the fireplace home.

When she stepped out into the flat, all of the lights were still off, and it was quiet. She walked to Fred's room, glancing at George's and seeing his door open, but no one inside.

She quietly opened Fred's door and set down their bags. He was still sleeping soundly, and because it didn't take him long to get ready for work, she decided to let him sleep a bit longer. Quietly grabbing her work clothes from the closet, she undressed, facing the closed door. She pulled off her shirt and pajama bottoms, shivering as the cold air touched her body in only her bra and underwear, and she bent down to pick up her trousers when-


She startled and turned around, seeing a very messy-haired and shirtless Fred propped up on one elbow, having just woken up. "Well, don't stop on my account," he said with a cocky smirk, his voice rough.

Camellia rolled her eyes and smiled. "Don't get too excited, Weasley, I'm only getting dressed for work.
As should you."

He grinned at her, looking her up and down, and he picked up his wand from the nightstand. "Accio trousers."

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