12. Night Moves

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~{DISCLAIMER: this chapter contains some
sexual material that may be uncomfortable for
some readers.}~

{At this point, I encourage you to either take a moment and educate yourself on male pleasure, or simply click off of this chapter. Please don't let your discomfort be a distraction to other readers.}

Over the next couple of days, Camellia, Hermione, and the twins worked tirelessly in the shop making sure everything was perfect for reopening. The other three had understandably asked to be exempt from working in the Moonrise section, and they spent their days in Diagon Alley.

At this moment, the aforementioned four were in the twins' office, talking about advertising.

"No, we're not wanting to advertise that the products vanish under bad circumstances. I think as subtle and discreet as the advertising can be, the better," said George.

Fred nodded in agreement. "We're wanting a banner out in front of the shop that's as vague and enticing as possible. And we'll charm it so only of-age wizards can see it, so don't worry about that. But, like, maybe just a dark purple background with the words, 'Weasley & Knight Present: Moonrise' in silver or something like that."

"Ooh, that sounds good!" said Hermione with a smile, writing down their brainstorming on a piece of parchment.

"Maybe you can have it shift back and forth between two messages," chimed in Camellia. "Like, one moment it says your 'Weasley & Knight' idea, and the next moment it fades to 'A whole new kind of magic has arrived in Diagon Alley', or another slogan like that!"

Fred snapped his fingers and pointed to her enthusiastically. "I love that. What do you think, George?"

"Bloody brilliant," he said with a smile. "We can take up designing it tomorrow, then I can swing by Madam Malkin's so she can put it together on a banner."

With that, George stood and stretched. "Dinner sounds fantastic right about now. What say we all go to that new restaurant down the street, the Greek place?"

Everyone agreed enthusiastically and they began making their way back up to the flat. Once upstairs, and while George was asking Ginny, Harry, and Ron if they'd come have dinner with them, Fred took Camellia aside.

"Hey, erm... Cam? I wanted to talk to you for a moment," said Fred in a low voice once they were out of earshot.

"Of course, what's wrong?"

He looked like something was bothering him. He pushed his hair back and his cheeks flushed as he spoke to her. "Whatever you did that morning... when we, erm... you know..."

Camellia giggled at his bashfulness, but let him continue.

"Well... it felt fucking amazing," he said, letting out a breath. "I can't stop thinking about you. And I was wondering if you'd want to spend the night with me again tonight."

"I'd love to," Camellia said before planting a kiss on his lips. But as they kissed, she felt Fred's hand moving to his pockets.

They broke apart, and Fred held a tiny bottle in his hand, showing it to Camellia. It was a red glass jar with what looked like a dark, glimmering potion inside, and Fred's expression went from sweet to mischievous.

"Thought we could have a bit of extra fun with it," he said, even quieter than before.

"What is it?" Camellia asked, taking the bottle from his hand and admiring it.

Fred cleared his throat. "Libidine," he said, looking into her eyes. "Similar to a love potion, but a bit... well, a bit less lovey-dovey."

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