6. The Weasleys Return

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"Cami! You slept here all night?"

Hermione's hushed whisper woke Camellia from her sleep. She lifted her head off the couch, her neck aching, and she realized her fingers were still laced between Fred's.

"That's so sweet!" Hermione cooed. "I knew there was something going on between you two!"

Camellia met her eyes. "I only spent the night to keep him company," she said quietly. Fred shifted slightly in his sleep, his fingers squeezing hers as he did so. Camellia felt her face growing warm, and Hermione smiled excitedly.

"You like each other!" she said. "I knew it, George and I were talking and-"

"George?" Camellia interrupted in a harsh whisper.

"Well, he approached me with it first. We'd both been noticing little things separately, so we talked about it. No harm." She smiled guiltily, and Camellia scoffed, grinning.

"Yes, fine, I have a bit of a thing for Fred. And I think he might like me too, so hush before he wakes up and you ruin it! And don't tell George!"

Hermione giggled. "Fine, I'll drop it. But you should get up, the Weasleys are coming back today."

Merlin. They were. Camellia had completely forgotten...

She gently pulled her hand away from Fred's so as not to wake him. He looked angelic in the morning light, the sun bouncing off his messy red hair like pure gold, and just as perfectly as such.

Her golden boy.

Camellia stood and followed Hermione into the kitchen, where she spoke quietly, "Alright, you can't expect me to not talk to you about this. How long has this been going on? What's happened between you two?"

Cam clenched her jaw. Obviously, she couldn't tell Hermione about making out with him in the middle of the night... or jerking him off at the table and having to take it upstairs... or what he'd done with her on the bathroom counter...

"We kissed the other night," she said, feeling her cheeks grow red.

Hermione's eyes lit up. "Ooh! Was he good?"

The memory of Fred's deep groans and his strong hands gripping her waist flooded into Camellia's mind. "Y-yes, he's fantastic. Better than I ever thought he'd be."

"Don't tell anyone I said this, but I'm not surprised he's a good kisser," said Hermione. "I mean look at him and George, they'd have to be, right?"

"Hermione!" Camellia laughed, surprised at her words. "What about Ron?"

"Oh, you know I'm only joking. I don't think I'll ever be able to get that prick off my mind," she replied, glancing down at her own feet. "Ginny's got Harry, George has had that on and off thing with Angelina-"

"-you've got that on and off thing with Ron-"

"-and now you and Fred!" She paused a moment, Camellia's words registering in her mind. "Hey!"

Cam laughed. "I'm only teasing, Hermione. But I will say that it's quite clear to the rest of us how Ron feels about you. I mean the way he looks at you and follows you around like a lost puppy, it's really sweet."

Hermione blushed. "Not as sweet as you and Fred holding hands this morning."

"Shut it!" Camellia giggled. "I bet you and Ron secretly hold hands all the ti-"

But her sentence was cut short by a sharp whimper coming from the living room. Her eyes widened and she rushed over to the couch, followed closely by Hermione. Fred had woken up and was clutching his side, breathing sharply through gritted teeth. His body was tense, his head leaned back against the arm of the couch.

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