11. Alekin Knight's Moonrise Co.

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Camellia's legs and core ached walking back up to the twins' flat, but she didn't care. Her heart was pounding from excitement and relief that she and Fred were alright again.. or at least, that they'd been alone together. A small part of her felt that there was still more to address, but for now, she'd leave it alone.

She was full of adrenaline from how passionate Fred had been with her, and part of her wanted to see him angry so he'd seduce her into sex again... at times like this, Camellia was incredibly grateful for the morning-after charm. Otherwise, she'd have much more serious problems than worrying about her feelings for Fred.

The couple reached the top of the stairs and entered the flat, where they found everyone to be in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Oi, look who's back," teased Ginny, who saw them first. Camellia felt her face go red as everyone turned to look. Ron looked incredibly confused.

"Don't make that face, Gin," Fred scolded. "She was only helping me re-count the Fainting Fancies, since Ron was the one who inventoried them." Across the bar, Ron scowled.

Camellia kept a straight face and nodded along, assuming Fred was going to continue to make up a story about how they hadn't done anything downstairs. But he continued speaking.

"Sorry it took a while. Anyways, I'm going to take a quick shower before dinner's ready." He turned to leave, but before he did, he pulled Camellia in by her waist and kissed her.

As he walked away, Camellia couldn't bring herself to look at anyone. She was incredibly embarrassed but giddy at the same time- was this his way of making their relationship public?

"What the bloody hell was that?" frowned Ron, glancing over at Harry in hopes that he'd be just as shocked, but Harry said nothing.

"I guess I'll go ahead and say it, erm..." Camellia started. "Yes, Fred and I are together, and we, erm... we have been for a bit, just secretly. But we don't really want to keep it a secret anymore. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

She looked over at George, who was beaming at her. Hermione and Ginny squealed, running over to her and hugging her tightly. Ron was still frowning and having a hushed conversation with Harry.

Although the others had no idea exactly what their relationship included (and they wouldn't, so long as Camellia could help it), she was elated and more relieved than she thought she'd be now that they were public. She hugged the girls back, smiling from ear to ear.

Hermione whispered, "I'm really happy that you two are together," and Ginny beamed in agreement. "You'd been just fancying each other for long enough, it's about time you made it official."

Camellia giggled, and excused herself to go change clothes. Once in George's room, she closed the door and leaned against it, letting herself bask in her elation. Their fight was over, and she'd gotten to be with him again, but most importantly- she'd almost heard him admit his true feelings for her.

She quickly changed into her pajamas and went back towards the kitchen, but she stopped in front of the bathroom- Fred was singing to himself in the shower over the rush of the water. His sweet tenor voice sung a mellow tune as he showered, and it only made Camellia fall harder for him. She smiled to herself and listened for a moment before rejoining her friends in the kitchen.

"Soooo..." began George teasingly, bending down and speaking in a voice quiet enough that only Cam could hear. "As you know, I've been onto you and my brother for a while."

Camellia turned furiously red, and didn't say a word.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about that. But I think you'd like to know that ever since you and Fred started seeing each other, he's been a lot happier and a lot more relaxed. Well, with the exception of this last week. But otherwise, he's been a new man."

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