26. Smoke and Whisky

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The warmth of the cabin surrounded them like a familiar embrace when the group came back inside from their morning out on the snow.

Everyone took off their coats and hung them on the hooks by the back door and kicked their shoes off, rubbing their hands together from the cold.
Camellia's nose and cheeks were numb, and she looked around at her friends, all red-faced and grinning exhaustedly.

They crashed onto the living room couches stretching out their feet so the feel the warmth of the roaring fire. Camellia leaned her head on Hermione's shoulder, listening to her argue with Ron about whether or not he could ski all the way down the steep hill to the village without accidentally dying, when her attention was caught by something- rather, someone- in the corner.

Zina was curled up on an armchair, idly flipping through a book with a look of stuffy disinterest on her face. "You all seem like you had a great time," she said, and everyone turned to look at her.

"Yeah, we did," said Hermione politely. "You should've come out there, we were sledding, and-"

"I know what you were doing..." she interrupted coldly, her eyes lingering on Hermione for a moment before returning to her book. "I'm just not a big fan of embarrassing myself and getting all cold and soggy like you, you know?"

Hermione frowned, her cheeks slightly pink, and Ron spoke up. "Oi! No need to be rude, alright? She was only being nice, so lay off her."

Zina glared at Ron, her eyes strikingly catlike in the semi-darkness where she sat. "Speaking up for the girl you lust over... how romantic."

Ron's face went beet red, and he looked down at his feet, completely mortified. Hermione went red as well, and she crossed her arms in front of her.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Zina?" Camellia snapped. "We've done nothing but be kind to you, and you're just being horrible! Is it seriously that hard not to be so rude?"

George frowned at Camellia, and Zina simply smiled. "I'm not being rude, I'm just stating my opinion. But fine, if you want me to shut up so bad, I will. George?"

With her last word she addressed George and beckoned him with her fingers, and he frowned confusedly. "What? No, Zi, I-"

Fred seemed to suddenly snap out of a trance, and he glared at Zina angrily. "He's with family right now, okay? I know you like him, and that's why you're here, but seriously, leave him be for two seconds, would you?"

His tone was level and restrained, but Camellia could tell he was getting increasingly cross with Zina's behavior. "If that's what you want, then of course," she said, her voice suddenly like honey. She slowly sat back down and picked her book up, continuing to peruse the pages like nothing had even happened.

Camellia hadn't even noticed until then, but next to George, Ginny was silently fuming, staring down Zina with her fists clenched tightly in her lap. As much as they all tried to like her for George's sake, she'd proven to be too horrible for any rational person to befriend. Still, everyone silently resolved to stay civil, at least until the trip was over. For George.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Most of that day, the group stayed inside playing games and eating the wonderful food the house-elves would bring out to them every so often. Outside, a light snow was falling, the setting sun's golden glint catching on every tiny snowflake.

Camellia was on the balcony and Harry on the ground floor, both bewitching small items around the house to race in circles around the chandelier. Below them, Hermione was teaching Fred, George, and Zina to play Go Fish with Exploding Snap cards, and everyone but Zina seemed to be really enjoying it. Ron and Ginny had gone back outside, presumably to snowboard before their daylight ran out.

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