27. By the Roaring Fire

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~{ DISCLAIMER: this chapter contains some
sexual material that may be uncomfortable for
some readers.}~

{ At this point, I encourage you to either take a moment and educate yourself on male pleasure, or simply click off of this chapter. Please don't let your discomfort be a distraction to other readers. }

It felt like a whole year had passed when Camellia was suddenly startled awake by someone holding her nose and forcing a sweet drink down her throat.

She swallowed instinctively, sputtering and coughing as she came to, and she looked around the room.

She was definitely in the living room... and it was definitely the same night as it was when she'd passed out... but god, it was chaos.

The butts of several joints and empty glasses were strewn about the coffee table, one shattered on the floor next to the couch in a puddle of whisky. There was a dark streak of blood on the wood floor and on the carpet, and the pillows from the couches were all thrown about the room. There was a sickly sweet smell in the air that made Camellia's stomach turn, and she suddenly realized someone was speaking to her.

"Cam! Cami!" came Ginny's voice from somewhere on her left.

"What- what's going on?" she muttered, sitting up straighter in her seat and holding her aching head.
"What happened?"

She was horribly disoriented, and had absolutely no memory of anything that had happened practically all night- and clearly, a lot had happened.

"Erm... we don't exactly know..." said Ginny bashfully. "We've all sobered up, but I mean... you see the blood and the drinks, so..."

Camellia stood up, taking a moment to steady herself. She had no recollection whatsoever of what might've happened, and it looked like the others didn't, either. Surveying the room, she only saw Harry, Ron and Hermione cleaning up the mess, but the twins and Zina were missing.

"Where's Fred and George?" Camellia asked, and Ginny sighed.

"Zina's with George, he's helping clean her up, and I think Fred went to go get new clothes for you."

"New clothes? Why would I nee-" She looked down and saw a dark red blood stain covering the front of her shirt, and she gasped, pulling at the hem of her shirt and seeing that her hands were also covered in blood. "What the fuck? Is this mine? I'm-"

But she was startled by a gentle hand on her shoulder, and she turned around to see Fred, holding a small pile of clean clothing and smiling softly at her. "Come on, I'll help clean you up."

She followed Fred, utterly confused at her situation. Why was she covered in blood, and whose was it? And why did George have to help Zina? Was she also bloodied up? Had they only had a scuffle, or worse? What the hell was going on?

They rounded the corner into a bathroom, where Fred gently closed the door behind him and set her clothes on the counter. Camellia caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and bit back a gasp.

Never mind her hands and her shirt- her face looked like something out of a slasher film. There were three distinct smears of dried blood on her skin; one going from her forehead last her eyebrow, one on her cheek, and one from her lip. She raised a shaking hand up to her face. "Freddie... please tell me what's going on, I'm so confused..."

He wet a wash rag and gently started cleaning the blood off her face as he spoke to her. "To be honest with you, I don't really know. No one does. All I know is that we'd been smoking and drinking and something happened between you and Zina, because when Hermione gave me and the others the Sobering Solution, you were on the floor next to Zina, both covered in blood and out cold. Actually, I didn't see you on the floor, that's just what Hermione said, I was only sober in time to see her heal the cuts on your face."

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