13. At Long Last

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The next morning, Fred and Camellia stayed in. The misty morning light poured through the windows and illuminated the bedroom with a soft blue glow. The house was still silent, and Camellia hugged her lover tighter.

His breathing was deep and steady as he slept - god, he was an angel. His bright ginger hair was messy, his freckles dotted across his face like stars, his lips puffy and soft. He had his arms wrapped around her in his sleep, his head resting on her chest so that he could fall asleep to her heartbeat. Camellia planted a soft kiss on his forehead and ran her fingers through his hair, and he squeezed her tighter for a moment.

Last night was absolutely incredible. Camellia could still practically hear his voice, so rough and unabashed as he cried out in pleasure, but as she looked at him now, this couldn't possibly be the same man. He looked so peaceful like this, and Cam's heart swelled. She adored the feeling of his legs tangled up with hers, his soft breathing on her chest, his occasional stirring that made him hug her tighter.

She curved into him and slowly fell back asleep in this little piece of heaven that belonged only to her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Camellia had already been up for two hours before Fred decided to make an appearance. Everyone else was sitting around the breakfast table playing a board game when Fred sleepily walked out of the bedroom, yawning and mussing up his already wild bedhead.

"He's alive!" teased Ginny upon seeing him, and everyone turned to look. "Good m- well, it's already two o' clock, so- good afternoon, lazy ass."

"It is a good afternoon, isn't it?" he grinned, and he disappeared down the hall to the bathroom. The table was silent for a second, the three Weasleys all turning to look at Camellia.

She turned beet red and scoffed. "Oh, piss off! What's all that got to do with me?"

"I've known my brother for twenty-one years," George said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, "and not once have I seen him in a good mood when he woke up."

Harry snorted and Ginny held back a laugh, and Camellia scowled playfully at them.

"Oh, you've got no room to talk," she said. "Either of you. Fred and I aren't the only couple in this house, you know, so I wouldn't get too hypocritical."

Ginny looked over at Harry and laughed sarcastically. "Oh, she's right, Harry. I mean, remember last night? When we were both sound asleep in different rooms? What a thrill, that was."

"Bloody brilliant," Harry played along, and Camellia rolled her eyes. Ron was giggling in his seat next to George, and Cam quickly glanced over at him.

"And don't even get me started on you!" Camellia said. "Always trying to make a move on Hermione... want me to go there?"

She was expecting Ron to blush and quiet down, but on the contrary, he laughed harder. "Nah, you can't get me with that this time, Cam," he cackled. "You're shagging my bloody brother- I may flirt with Hermione every once in a while, but at least I've got standards!"

Ginny and George both burst into laughter and went, "Ooooh!" making Ron smile proudly.

"What do you see in him, anyway?" he asked, his voice now terribly smug. "I wouldn't think anyone would ever want that screwy git-"

Camellia and Hermione looked at each other, biting back knowing smiles, and both Ron's sentence and attitude dropped. He frowned confusedly at them, making the rest of the table burst into yet another fit of laughter.

At that moment, Fred emerged from the bathroom and walked down the hallway towards them. "What's so funny?" he asked, taking a seat next to Camellia.

"Did you sleep well last night, big brother?" Ginny cackled.

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