22. Dinner at the Weasleys'

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The next day, and after a hard day's work for George, Fred, and Camellia, everyone was back in the twins' flat getting ready for dinner at the Burrow.

Zina was unfortunately already there, looking as beautiful and haughty as always. She was talking quietly to George as he put his jacket on, and every once in a while, she'd shoot Camellia a dirty look, which Cam would respond to with a smile.

Everyone but the twins and Zina had a day-bag packed to spend the night. Fred looked around and saw that everyone was ready, and he said, "Right, let's go ahead and start leaving for the Burrow!
Ron, you first."

One by one, everyone took the fireplace, erupting in a column of green fire before stepping out into the Weasleys' living room. Camellia had gone third after Ron and Harry, and they were all greeted by a flurry of hugs and kisses from Fleur, Bill's wife.

"Oh, 'Arry and Ron, it is so good to see you again!
And Camellia! You look beautiful as always, so lovely to see you!"

Her smile lit up the room, her silvery-blonde hair pinned up in an elegant updo, making her look beautifully put together for the casual dinner. Fleur went on to greet everyone who came through the fireplace, but hesitated when she saw Zina.

"Oh, 'ello, 'ave we met before?" she asked politely, shaking her hand. Her eyes were cold, however, and for a moment Camellia thought they flashed red.

"No, we haven't," said Zina, the same look in her eye. "Zina Diakos, I'm here with George."

There was a palpable tension between the two women as Fleur let go of her hand and spoke. "Ah, you are 'ere with George! As a friend, or more?"

George wrapped his arm around Zina's waist, smiling proudly. "Yeah, we're together," he said, beaming down at her. Bill, who was approaching the group, must've overheard.

"Got a new girlfriend, eh, Georgie?" he smiled, greeting his younger brother with a slap on the shoulder. He went around saying hi to everyone else, then went back to stand next to his wife. Bill and Fleur were as stunning a couple as always - Bill's handsome, deeply scarred face and flaming red hair contrasted beautifully with Fleur's perfect ivory skin and shimmering blue eyes.

Mrs. Weasley suddenly emerged from the kitchen with her arms outstretched. "My babies, hello!" she laughed, wrapping them all in the best hugs anyone had ever gotten. "I'm so glad to see you all again, thank you for coming on such short notice! I'm making steaks for us, since Bill is here, and-" she stopped for a moment, her eyes falling on Zina, as well as George's hand around her waist.

"I know I hugged you, but I don't think we've been introduced! I'm Molly Weasley, dear."

"This is Zina Diakos, Mum," George said happily.
"She and her father run a Greek restaurant down the street and around the corner from us."

"Hello, Molly," said Zina, her lips smiling but her eyes cold. "Nice to meet you."

Mrs. Weasley pulled back a bit. "Mrs. Weasley, please, dear, if you don't mind. It's very nice to meet you, too, you chose a good man."

George beamed, and Fred went up and took Mrs.
Weasley aside, bringing Camellia with him.

"Mum, I wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend, Camellia," he said.

Mrs. Weasley laughed. "Fred, of course I know Cami, she- your girlfriend?"

Camellia nodded, and Mrs. Weasley suddenly squealed with joy, wrapping her in a crushing hug. "Oh, my dear, you and Freddie? I'm so happy! Welcome to the family, sweet girl!" she cried, planting frantic kisses all over the top of her head. "I knew you two would get together one day, oh, this is wonderful-"

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