17. Zina

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If they hadn't been in the living room with the rest of the group, the way Camellia was awoken might have turned out a little more interesting.

For a moment, she'd totally forgotten they were in the den on the couch, so when she opened her eyes, her first thought was utter confusion. George was just now getting up, stretching and yawning as he got up and head down the hall to his room. Ron and Hermione were tangled in each other's arms on the other couch, still soundly asleep, but Harry and Ginny were nowhere to be seen.

Her second thought emanated from a bit further down... Fred had his arms wrapped around her waist, his soft breathing warm and comforting on the back of her neck. He moved slightly in his sleep, and that's when Camellia felt his bulge against her behind. Her eyes shot open and she sat up, waking Fred in the process.

He groaned sleepily and tried pulling her back down, but Cam stopped him and giggled. "Fred... go take care of that while no one's here to see."

He opened one eye and looked up at her. "Hi, Cam," he grinned, and she rolled her eyes, blushing.

"Yes, hi, Freddie," she replied, running her fingers through his hair. "You've got a bit of a situation down there, I was saying you should go take care of that while no one's awake."

"Shit," he said, her words visibly clicking in his brain. "Well, I wasn't the one who caused it, so I shouldn't have to be the one who fixes it." He grinned deviously, but Camellia wasn't having it.

"Get up, you idiot," she laughed, guiding him off the couch and gently pushing him towards his bedroom. "You're impossible."

He cast her a wink before closing himself in his room. At about that same time, George's voice came booming from down the hall.

"God! Ginny, seriously?" he was yelling, waking Ron and Hermione in the living room. "My bedroom? Honestly?"

"Go away, George, we only just slept here," came Ginny's voice from inside the room, clearly annoyed. "We didn't even do anything, calm down."

"I don't care! You're buying me new sheets, and that's it."

"For what? I said we didn't do anything!"

But George cut her off by closing the door and coming back into the living room. He rolled his eyes and huffed as he dropped onto the couch next to Camellia.

"Can you believe them?" he asked into the room, leaning back in his seat.

"They did say they'd only slept," said Hermione with a yawn, still laying in Ron's arms. Ron himself was already drifting back to sleep, his eyes barely open.

"Yeah, I know she did," said George. "And I know she wouldn't have actually done anything in my room with Harry. I've just been meaning to get a new set of sheets anyway, and I figure this is a good way to get them for free."

Camellia snickered and shook her head, and George asked, "Any of you three remember anything from last night?"

Hermione and Cam both said no, and Ron snored softly in response.

"Me neither. That shit's strong, I can never remember anything after smoking it. Oh, is your stomach feeling better today, Cami?"

Camellia's eyes went wide as she realized that George wasn't there when Harry had exposed the reality of her situation.

"Yeah, much better, thanks," she said, feeling Hermione looking at her from the other couch.
Camellia decided to change the subject.

"So, erm, George- Zina never did come by did she?
For the Pygmy Puff?"

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