24. A Surprise for the Twins

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Two days later, Camellia was in the Leaky Cauldron, sitting at a table with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Hannah Abbott. The twins were working late at the shop, but they said they'd be joining them in an hour or so.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out a way to do something nice for Fred and George," Camellia was telling Hannah over a small glass of Firewhisky.
"The most I can think of is taking them and the rest of the group to my parents' place in France, but we won't all be able to fit in that tiny house."

"Same with Shell Cottage," said Ginny. "I'm sure Bill and Fleur would love to host but it's just too cramped for all nine of us. I don't want to ask them such a big favor."

Hannah listened quietly, nodding along. "You know, I could ask Neville. He'll be along in a bit, and- hey! We were just talking about you!"

Everyone turned to see Neville walk through the door. He was dressed in classy academic style, a pair of glasses balanced on his nose and a heavy book bag slung over his shoulder. He greeted them cheerfully, and Camellia smiled at her old friend-every time she saw him, he seemed more and more confident.

"Hey, guys!" he said, kissing Hannah on the cheek before setting down his bag. "Wasn't expecting to see you all today, how've you been?"

The group took turns telling Neville the news about their personal lives, and he listened graciously.
Camellia couldn't help but notice how handsome and peaceful he looked sitting there next to his soon-to-be-fiancée, and she smiled. Out of all the people she knew, Neville Longbottom was perhaps the most deserving of a happy life.

"That's brilliant about the shop, I've been meaning to stop by to say hello, but Sprout's got me grading practice O.W.L.s, so my nights up at the school are long," Neville told them, patting his shoulderbag.
"But I haven't seen much of Fred and George lately, they doing alright?"

Camellia nodded. "Yeah, they're doing fine! But stressed though, it seems, what with all these new customers coming in. I was telling everyone here earlier, but I've actually been trying to organize some kind of weekend thing so they can get their mind off the shop for a bit."

Neville's eyes lit up at her words. "Oh! Do you need a place to go, by any chance?"

The group seemed to suddenly perk up, and everyone looked at each other eagerly. "Yes!" Camellia said excitedly. "Do you know of one?"

Neville nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! So, my great-uncle just passed away recently- pneumonia, y'know, nasty- but he was very wealthy, and he used to own this cabin down in the Andes mountains for ski season."

Everyone offered their condolences toward his uncle, which Neville shook away. "No, don't be sorry, he was actually really happy his last few days. Lived to be a hundred and two, so I think he was glad to go. Anyway, I was his favorite great-nephew, and he willed the cabin to me!"

Excited chatter rose from the table. "Really, Neville?" asked Harry, his hand in Ginny's. "You've got a cabin in the Andes now? That's incredible!"

"Yeah!" beamed Neville proudly. "I was totally blown away- Hannah and I were planning on going in a couple of months, when it's spring down there. But for now, please use it!"

Their jaws fell open at Neville's generosity. "Are-are you serious?" stuttered Ginny, smiling in disbelief at their friend. "You're lending us your cabin?"

Hannah beamed. "Of course! I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier, I wasn't sure how Neville felt about it. But now that he's offered, I'm really glad that you get to use it! It's really a beautiful place, especially in the wintertime. You'll love it."

Camellia smiled at the couple sitting before her, at their sweet faces and sparkling eyes. "It would only be for a weekend, and we'll leave it better than we found it-"

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