Unexpected twist

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Zhan opened the door for Wang to enter the back seat. He went to the other side of the car and the driver opened the door for him. He sat comfortably beside Wang. As they both settled in, the driver drove off.

Zhan caught Wang's eye and broke the silence, uttering a curious statement. "I would love to see what you look like when you wake up in the morning."

The statement caught Wang off guard, but he smiled and shrugged it off, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. However, deep down, he couldn't help but curse Zhan in his mind for ruining his day.

When they got to town, Wang was eager to get the phone and call Xie, but Zhan had other plans. "Let's grab breakfast before we head to the phone store," he smiled, diverting their attention away from Wang's original intention.

Wang reluctantly agreed and they entered a cozy cafe. Zhan ordered croissants and coffee while Wang looked at the menu not knowing what to eat. He finally settled on a simple bowl of oatmeal, hoping for a quick and uneventful breakfast. However, as they waited for their orders, Zhan couldn't resist bringing up the topic of Wang's love life, making things even more uncomfortable for Wang.

"How long have you known Xie?" Zhan asked, his voice laced with curiosity, as Wang shifted uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of how to respond.

"I've known her all my life," Wang replied irritated, hoping that his curt response would discourage Zhan from prying any further.

"When did you guys start dating?" Zhan asked, persisting in his line of questioning, despite Wang's obvious discomfort.

"About 5 years ago," Wang replied nonchalantly, hoping that Zhan would drop the subject and let him enjoy his breakfast in peace.

Your first love? Zhan asked again.

Wang sighed, feeling his patience wearing thin. "Look, Zhan, I'd rather not talk about it right now. Can we just enjoy our breakfast in peace?" he said firmly, hoping that Zhan would finally take the hint and respect his boundaries.

Why, are you ashamed that I would laugh at you, or do you pity her because you broke up with her? Zhan asked.

"Wang's patience reached its breaking point as he snapped, "Zhan, it's none of your business! I don't owe you explanations for my personal life. Can we please drop this topic and enjoy our breakfast?"

I'm your mate, and your business is mine. Zhan mused. If you want, I can tell you all about my life. Tell me you told her I'm your mate and the wedding's off.

"I... I have not told her," Wang stammered, his voice filled with anxiety.

"Why haven't you told her?" Zhan asked, obviously angry.

"I haven't told her because she didn't come home last night," Wang confessed, his voice filled with concern. "I found a note she dropped, and it said she won't be coming home for the next 6 days."

Where did she go? He growled.

"She didn't say where she was heading," Wang replied. His voice was worried. "But she mentioned work."

"Work my foot," Zhan laughed, dismissing Wang's mention of Xie's work. "Uhmmm smells nice," he said as they dropped his food in front of him, diverting the conversation away from Wang's personal life.

"That's what you are eating?" Zhan asked, eyeing his plate.

"Yes," Wang replied, his voice dry. He couldn't help but feel relieved that Zhan had finally shifted the conversation away from his personal life.

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