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Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into a month. Sang, Meng, and Chang outdid themselves. Zhan is happy about the ceremony, unlike Wang. He was indifferent.

Sang, Meng, and Chang have been diligently working for weeks, pouring their heart and soul into their respective tasks. Their dedication and diligent work have truly paid off, as they have achieved remarkable results.

Wang's lack of enthusiasm is noticeable, as he fails to share Zhan's enthusiasm. He remains detached.

The excitement in the palace was palpable as the day of the ceremony approached. The air was filled with music, laughter, and the aroma of delicious food. Guests from near and far gathered to celebrate, their enthusiasm contagious as they embraced the joyous atmosphere.

Wang sat in the room. His heart heavy with resentment towards Zhan. He couldn't help but imagine the life he could have had with Xie if Zhan hadn't killed her. "Every laughter and joyful conversation in the palace only heightened his bitterness, and he secretly wished for nothing but misfortune to befall Zhan."

Are you okay? Someone asked.

"Wang blinked, momentarily disoriented as he looked around. He forced a smile and replied, 'Yes, I'm fine. Just lost in thought.' But deep down, the pain and bitterness continued to consume him, threatening to unravel his carefully constructed facade."

"Sang, when did you get here?" Wang asks, composing himself. However, his eyes betray the torment within as he struggles to hide his resentment towards Zhan.

Just now," Sang replies, moving closer to Wang. "I know this is difficult for you, being with someone who murdered your bride-to-be. If you need anything, I can help," Sang says, looking Wang in the eye.

Wang's facade cracks for a moment, as tears well up in his eyes, but he quickly regains his composure. "Thank you, Sang," he says, his voice trembling slightly. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm okay. I just need some time alone to process everything."

My grandfather is rich, and he knows many reputable people. I can talk to him, and he can get you a passport under another name. The king won't find you. Sang murmurs.

Wang's heart skipped a beat as he listened to Sang's offer. The thought of escaping and starting a new life away from the palace and Zhan's presence seemed like a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Yet, a part of him hesitated, unsure of the consequences and the price he would have to pay for such a drastic decision.

"I'm okay, Sang," Wang replies, but if I change my mind, I know where to find you. The offer is tempting, and the thought of escaping this pain is alluring, but I fear the unknown consequences. I need to weigh the risks carefully before making such a drastic decision."

"Okay," Sang says. "Do you like the ring?" he asks, pointing to Wang's ring. "You keep turning and rubbing it."

Wang looks down at the ring. "Oh, I tried taking it off, but it wouldn't move," Wang hisses, feeling a pang of bitterness as he gazes at the ring.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Sang says sympathetically. "Meng spelled the ring so that you won't be able to take it off on the king's order. It seems like a cruel reminder of everything you've lost."

"I can't believe he would go to such lengths to humiliate me," Wang murmurs, his blood boiling with anger. The realization only intensified his burning hatred for Zhan.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts, Wang," Sang says as he walks out of the room. "But remember, if you ever need someone to talk to or if you change your mind about my offer, don't hesitate to call me."

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