Lan Wanji's life. 6

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Wanji sat in his room, staring at the open suitcase on his bed. The thought of leaving for America should have excited him, but his mind was elsewhere. As much as he had tried to distance himself from Victor and Wei Ying, their presence still haunted him. The memories of watching them laugh, whisper to each other, and share intimate moments across restaurant tables flashed through his mind. It was like a wound that refused to heal. The more he tried to ignore it, the deeper it seemed to fester.

His obsession with Victor had driven him to the edge, to a point where it had begun to affect not only his own life but his family as well. his father never blamed him. Lan Qiren's love for his son was unconditional, but Wanji knew he had disappointed his father in ways that words could not capture.  And he made a mental note to make it up to him ones all this is over.

"America," he muttered to himself, zipping up the suitcase. He had to get to the bottom of this. Victor was too perfect, too clean. And that bothered him more than he could explain. The idea of someone so pure in the world felt like an illusion, and Wanji was determined to shatter it, to reveal whatever dark secrets Victor was hiding. He had already spent weeks digging into Victor's past, but all he found was a spotless record, which only made him more suspicious.

Victor, an orphan with a mysterious cousin from his foster parents, didn't sit right with Wanji. He had followed Victor and Wei Ying for weeks, shadowing their every move, but they never slipped up. Victor was always kind, always smiling, and Wei Ying—well, Wanji could see how deeply he cared for Victor. And that hurt more than he wanted to admit.

Wanji couldn't bear it anymore, the jealousy eating him alive. He wanted something, anything, that could prove Victor wasn't the saint he appeared to be. He needed a reason to believe that Victor didn't deserve Wei Ying, that somehow Wei Ying had made a mistake by choosing him.

"Victor's cousin," Wanji whispered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he looked out the window. This trip to America was more than just a family obligation; it was an opportunity. Victor's cousin, the only family member he had, lived in America. If there was anyone who could reveal the truth about Victor, it had to be him.

The door creaked open, and Ayana stepped into the room, her eyes playful as always. "Are you ready, Wanji?" she asked, glancing at the packed suitcase on the bed. "It's not every day we get to attend a witch's festival. You know how rare it is for us to participate in these global gatherings."

Wanji turned to face her, his expression unreadable. "I'm ready."

Ayana studied him for a moment, sensing the tension that lingered in the room. "You're not going there just for the festival, are you?" she asked, her voice soft, but her words sharp.

Wanji didn't respond, but the silence was enough for Ayana to understand. She sighed and moved closer to him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "I don't know what you're planning, but don't lose yourself, Wanji. Victor and Wei Ying... they're happy. You need to let go."

His jaw tightened, but he remained silent. How could he let go when it felt like his entire world was unraveling?

The private jet, once meticulously labeled with Wei Ying's name, now bore Lans personal crest.
Two days later, Wanji found himself seated on his private jet staring blankly at the clouds as the plane soared through the skies. His father had been thrilled that he agreed to accompany Ayana, and even his grandmother had shown some relief that he would be leaving the country for a while. They all thought this trip would help him clear his mind, but Wanji had other intentions.

When Cheng entered the jet, his jaw dropped. The interior was unlike anything he had ever seen—more like a luxurious mansion than a jet. Plush leather seats, and sleek wooden paneling stretched across the cabin. It was a space designed for comfort and elegance. He chose a spot near the window, sinking into the plush seat. With a sigh of contentment, he plugged in his earphones, selecting The Power of the Rings to watch. Cheng relaxed, fully immersed in the movie, feeling like royalty in this airborne palace.

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