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Grandpa, what took you so long? A boy asked.   

Where is he? Nie Huai Sang. His grandpa asked.

"I followed him to a boy's place. He stalked always. But he came out and disappeared into thin air," Nie Huai Sang said, his voice filled with confusion.

"Tell me everything," his grandpa said and sat down with a sad expression on his face.

"I followed him like you said too, and he was always going to the village, milking cows, doing chores, and farming. He seemed happy until today," Nie Huai Sang said, his voice filled with confusion. "But when I went to his usual spot, he was nowhere to be found. It's like he disappeared into thin air," he added, his eyes searching for answers.

Did you do anything to upset him? His grandfather asked.

"He is quite scary, but I swear Grandpa, I didn't do anything to annoy him," Nie Huai Sang replied, shaking his head. "I treated him with respect and kindness, just like you told me.

"He's always been mysterious and tricky to understand." "He will come home when he blows off steam," his grandpa said, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Sometimes people need time alone to process their emotions. Let's give him some space and trust that he will return when he's ready."

Did you find him? Nie Huai Sang asked.

"No, but his wife is coming tomorrow," his grandpa replied. "She might have some information or insight into his whereabouts. Let's hope that she can shed some light on this mystery and help us find him."

"Please be careful with your words and actions around Zhan," Nie Huai Sang's grandpa cautioned. "He is sensitive and easily upset. We don't want to do anything that might worsen the situation." "He kills just to prove a point and does not regret it," Nie Huai Sang's grandpa said with a heavy sigh.

It's obvious from his appearance. Nie thought to himself. He pities that guy Zhan stalks.

Meanwhile, back at Wang's place, his grandmother grew increasingly worried as the boy had still not returned. She paced back and forth, wondering where he could be and hoping that he was safe.

As soon as Wang entered the house, his grandmother questioned him. "Did he come to the farm today?" she asked. Her voice was filled with concern.

"You won't ask me about my day first?" Wang murmured. "I know you are fine," his grandma replied, her worry evident in her eyes. "I can't help but worry about him." "Do you know where he lives?"

Wang paused for a moment, then nodded slowly. "No, I don't."

"I just hope he is okay," she said, sitting down with a heavy sigh. "We need to find him as soon as possible. I can't bear the thought of him being in danger."

He will be fine. Wang hissed.

They heard a knock on the door. Wang called out for the person to come in. To their surprise, it was the hybrid they had been searching for. Wang's grandmother gasped in relief. Gratitude instantly replaced her worry. "Thank goodness you're here! We've been worried about you," she exclaimed, rushing to embrace the hybrid.

"How are you?" she asked, pulling away from him, concern etched on her face.

"I am fine. Thank you," he said, pouting. His voice carried a hint of sadness, and his eyes avoided meeting theirs.

"Where have you been?" Wang's grandma asked.

Zhan looked up at her, his eyes glassy. "Here and there, thinking," he replied, his voice tinged with weariness.

"I'm sorry about what my grandson said. He can be impulsive sometimes," she said, trying to diffuse the tension in the room.

Zhan smiled back at Wang's grandma and said, "No need to apologize, I understand. I might have come on strong with him. It's just been a tough day for both of us."

"Can I talk to you outside?" Zhan said, facing Wang.

"Sure, let's step outside," Wang replied, reluctantly following Zhan.

"Apologize to him," Wang's grandmother whispered. "Hate is a strong word to use on someone who wants to be your friend." As they left the living room, Wang's frown deepened, wondering what Zhan wanted to discuss this time.

"I'm sorry about," Zhan cut him before Wang could finish his sentence. "I don't need your apology," he said, his voice stoic.

"Ah, thanks, because I wasn't planning to apologize, I was only doing it to please my grandma," Wang hissed.

"Good," Zhan said, his voice calm yet resolute. "Because I've been doing some thinking, and I've come to a conclusion. Apologies mean nothing if they're not genuine."

"I honestly don't care what you think." Wang said, his voice dry.

"Well, you should," Zhan said, moving closer to Wang. "I am willing to give you one week to tell Xie we are mates and break off the engagement. My uncle's birthday is next week Friday, and I want you to come with me," he said, his voice serious and his face straight.

Wang laughed so hard tears rolled down his face. "You are crazy if you think I will do that," he said, his voice filled with amusement and defiance.

"You don't want to know how crazy I am," Zhan replied, his eyes flashing red. "If you refuse to comply, I will make your life a living hell. Consider this your final warning."

"You know," Wang said, his voice dripping with venom, "I regret pulling that knife out of your chest. Maybe I should have just left it there."

Wang noticed Zhan's face reddening and reached into his pocket with one hand. Wang stepped back scared of what he would bring out of his pocket. However, Zhan pulled the knife out, surprising Wang.

Zhan, overcome with rage and desperation, thrust the knife towards Wang, tears streaming down his face. "Take it! Put it back where you removed it from!" Take it, he screamed, his voice filled with anguish and torment, causing Wang to shrink back in fear.

Wang, unmoved by Zhan's outburst, wondered why he had such terrible luck. Why did he removed the knife from Zhan's chest in the first place. It seemed that fate had a twisted sense of humor, constantly throwing him into these dangerous and volatile situations.

Zhan sneered at Wang; his eyes filled with contempt. "If you don't have the balls to do it, at least have the decency to do as I ask," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Otherwise, you'll regret crossing me."

Wang, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance, retorted, "You think you can intimidate me with your threats? Well, let me remind you, Zhan, that my relationship with Xie is stronger than any twisted plan you could concoct. I won't break off the engagement, and I won't let you ruin my life."

Zhan smirked. "You're right, Wang," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "I wouldn't want to ruin your wedding day. But don't worry, I have something in mind that will make both of us regret this brief encounter."

"You're crazy, Zhan," Wang hissed angrily, his eyes blazing with determination. "I won't let your twisted plans get in the way of my happiness. I'll make sure you regret ever crossing paths with me."

"Don't do what I asked, and I will show you what crazy looks like." I will send someone to pick you up on Friday, Zhan said and disappeared into the darkness.

Undeterred by Zhan's threats, Wang stood his ground, refusing to let fear dictate his life. He has always been afraid of poverty, now he can't love his woman again. He must have done something terrible in his past life to deserve this punishment.

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