Lan Wanji's Life. 16

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The drive home was quiet, the silence palpable, yet there was an underlying tension in the air. Monday mornings were usually bustling with commuters rushing to their various places of work, but today felt different. The streets were eerily empty, as though the world had collectively chosen to stay in bed a little longer. Cheng sat in the back seat of the car, engrossed in a conversation with Ziyi, his voice a hushed murmur as he leaned closer to her. In the driver's seat, Zewu Jun's face was a mask of concentration as he navigated the quiet roads. Wanji sat in the front passenger seat, staring out the window, his mind elsewhere.

Victor's words played in his mind on an endless loop, each repetition tightening the knot of discomfort in his chest. It was still hard to believe what had transpired at the resort just the night before.

It started innocuously enough. "Let's play truth or dare," one of the guys had suggested, trying to lighten the mood. Victor, however, had taken the opportunity to stir the pot, as he always did. He giggled before saying the words that had soured the evening, "All the virgins should go inside." The place had gone silent, all eyes falling on Victor as he laughed. But Ning, in a rare show of emotion, had shut him down with a cold, cutting stare that silenced him.

Cheng, always the first to retreat from awkward situations, had left immediately, with Ziyi in tow. As they exited, Ziyi leaned close to Victor, whispering in his ear in a low, firm voice, "I don't know what thrill you get from making Wanji upset, but you need to stop it."

Wanji hadn't stayed to hear Victor's response. He had risen from his seat and left, his expression as impassive as ever. Ning had followed him shortly after, not saying a word, just walking silently beside him. Behind them, a few others had trickled out, leaving Zewu Jun and two other guys, Victor with Wei Ying to drink the night away.

Now, as Zewu Jun drove them to their respective workplaces, the tension from the night before still lingered. Wanji kept his thoughts to himself, as he always did, but Zewu Jun, ever perceptive, noticed his silence.

"If you want to talk," Zewu Jun said, his eyes still on the road, "I'm always here."

Wanji nodded, though he had no intention of talking about what was on his mind. "Thank you, Jun."

Zewu Jun dropped them off at their respective destinations, and Wanji watched the car drive off before heading inside. Later that evening, Wanji returned home to find Ayana, waiting for him. She was always the first to greet him when he walked through the door, her warm smile a welcome respite from the outside world.

"I have something for you," Wanji said, handing her a small, gift-wrapped box.

Ayana's eyes lit up with excitement. "What is it?" she asked, tearing into the wrapping paper. Her laughter quickly turned into mockery when she saw what was inside. It was the pack of condoms she had packed for Wanji before his weekend trip.

"I suppose you didn't use them," she teased her tone light but tinged with disappointment.

Wanji smiled wearily. "Thank you, Ayana."

Just then, Cheng walked in, heading to his room without a word.

"Well, at least someone used theirs," Ayana said with a knowing look in Cheng's direction, giggling as she caught his eye. Cheng grinned but said nothing, disappearing down the hall.

Wanji's grandmother, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, looked up from her knitting as Wanji settled beside her. "Did you enjoy your weekend?" she asked, her soft voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Wanji hesitated before answering. "Yes, grandmother, I did," he said, deliberately omitting the details of Victor's antics and the unexpected arrival of Wei Ying at the resort.

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