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A few days had passed since the chaotic events that left Lan's estate in a state of unspoken tension. Every corner of the grand estate felt weighed down by secrets, unresolved feelings, and a sense of waiting—waiting for something, someone, to make sense of it all. The halls were filled with murmured conversations, the rustling of papers, and the occasional sound of footsteps. It felt as though time had stretched out unnaturally, every hour longer than the last. Yet, no one seemed willing to confront the unease head-on, and that only made the waiting worse.

In the midst of this tense atmosphere was Wei Ying, but he felt out of place. Not physically—he had every reason to be there—but emotionally, mentally. He had withdrawn into himself, his thoughts like scattered pieces of a puzzle he couldn't put back together. Despite his composed exterior, inside he was a storm of emotions. Fear, confusion, anger, and sorrow—all of them warred within him, and he hadn't figured out how to quell the storm.

He sat in the farthest corner of the room, leaning against the wall, his knees pulled up to his chest, and his hands resting limply on them. His head hung low as his thoughts drifted back to everything that had happened. The silence around him was deafening, his thoughts louder and more chaotic than ever. He needed clarity, but all he had was a growing sense of dread.

His phone buzzed beside him, breaking the silence and pulling him from his thoughts. Wei Ying blinked and glanced at the screen: Lan Qiren. The message was short and direct, as was typical of Lan Qiren: Come to the house.

Wei Ying stared at the message for a moment longer, then sighed. He knew he couldn't ignore it. It had been days since he had any meaningful interaction with the outside world, and now, perhaps, was the time to face it again.

With a deep breath, he collected himself, stood up, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. His reflection in the mirror looked pale, tired. His usually sharp, lively eyes were dull, lacking their characteristic spark. Splashing water on his face, he tried to clear his mind. But no amount of cold water could shake the weight that clung to him.

After pulling on a fresh set of clothes, Wei Ying took a last glance at his phone before leaving the house. His thoughts were still fragmented.

As Wei Ying entered the house. The moment Victor laid eyes on him, relief flooded his expression. His face was a mixture of exhaustion and desperation, and his eyes had a hollow look as though he hadn't slept in days.

"Thank Goddess you're here," Victor breathed, his voice trembling slightly. He looked as if he had been holding back a flood of emotions, and now that Wei Ying had arrived, the dam was beginning to break.

Before Wei Ying could respond, Victor continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "A few days ago, something strange happened to me. I can't explain it, but... since then, all I've wanted to do is see Ayana." His voice cracked on the last word, and he looked at Wei Ying as though he expected him to have all the answers. "I don't know why, but I feel like something is wrong."

"Victor," Wei Ying began slowly, choosing his words carefully, "please drop the pretense?" his voice was cold and distant.

Victor shook his head, his eyes wide with worry. "What are you talking about? What happened to you? What did you do to him? something terrible has happened." he screamed looking at Ayana his voice trembling with fear and frustration.

"Tell me, Victor, or should I call you Delan?" Wei Ying's voice was calm, but there was an underlying anger. Wanji, standing beside him, silently opened the laptop and turned it toward Victor. The screen was filled with incriminating pictures and videos, each one more damning than the last.

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