In the end

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Wei Ying glanced at Ayana, his brow furrowed with curiosity. "I have a question though," he said softly, his voice cutting through the tense silence that surrounded the group. "Why did she choose here?"

Ayana turned to face him, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she replied, "This was where it all started."

Wei Ying blinked in surprise. "Here?"

"Nie Ming Jue's house used to be The Jiang clan," Ayana explained, her tone somber as she looked around at the worn-down walls and the memories they held.

"Oh, I see," Wei Ying murmured, nodding slowly as the realization sunk in.

"But how are we three?" Wei Wuxian, always quick to point out the strange, asked. He looked around, trying to piece together the puzzle of their presence.

Ayana's gaze sharpened. "After the curse, the magic was too much to contain, so it blasted out, creating two other dimensions."

"Three, actually," Wang interjected, his voice calm and steady. "But the third one was more of a personal prison for Madam Yu."

Ayana's eyes widened in sudden realization. "Oh my god, no wonder I couldn't sense her magic," she exclaimed, the pieces of the mystery clicking into place in her mind. She beamed with excitement. "We've got ourselves a sorcery."

Wanji nodded in agreement, but his expression remained serious. "No, believe me, everyone's magic was enhanced with that blast."

Lan Zhan glanced down at himself with a look of confusion. "I don't feel anything," he said quietly.

"You will," Chang chimed in confidently, though her voice lacked the lightness of Ayana's.

Off to the side, Meng sat quietly, a storm brewing in her eyes as she stared into the distance. "All this time... it was Nie," she hissed under her breath, her voice filled with a mix of anger and bitterness.

Ayana glanced at her, concern flashing across her face. "About that," she began softly, "I made him forget everything. It will do us good if no one remembers."

Meng turned to her, her expression hard and unyielding. "I can't forget," she growled. "And I won't forgive."

Ayana hesitated for a moment, then offered gently, "I can make you forget."

"No," Meng's voice cracked with emotion as tears welled up in her eyes. "I want to remember. It was killing me when I didn't know who did it, and now that I do... it hurts more."

There was a painful silence in the air as Meng's words hung between them, heavy with the weight of the past.

Wang, ever the voice of reason, broke the silence. "Ayana, can I ask you something?"

"Anything," Ayana responded, her voice steady but gentle.

"What happened? I mean... why did Madam Yu curse us?" His voice was grim, full of unspoken fears.

Ayana sighed deeply, the weight of the truth pressing down on her. "It's a long story," she admitted. "And all of you can't be together for too long. It will upset the balance of magic. But I promise you, on the rabbit year when all the universe aligns, we can all sit together, and I will tell you everything. Until then, you all need to stay safe."

"That's 30 years from now. I'll be old and fragile," Lan Zhan said, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Who's the real one among us?" he asked, his voice laced with urgency. "We look like clones, but there are original ones. Who?"

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