Fury Of A Mate

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"I hope you know there's no way you can leave my kingdom unless I open it," Filavandrel taunted, her voice smooth yet laden with malice. Her words hung in the air, heavy with arrogance and certainty.

Wang's unwavering gaze was sharp and defiant. His lean frame was taut with readiness, eyes gleaming with a cold, calculated fury. "Oh, I don't need you to open it," Wang hissed through clenched teeth, his voice as venomous as a coiled snake ready to strike. "By the time I'm done with you, Filavandrel, you won't have a kingdom over your head."

Filavandrel's laughter only grew louder, echoing like the roll of distant thunder. She seemed unaffected, her confidence unshaken by Wang's threat. It was as though she had heard such promises before from enemies far stronger than this little wolf who dared to challenge her.

Suddenly, Wang's instincts flared. His eyes darted to the shadows surrounding them, realizing too late what Filavandrel had planned. From the corners of the hall, ten guards, cloaked in dark armor and wielding gleaming magical swords, silently closed in on Wang, their movements as fluid as predators on the hunt. The sound of their boots against the cold stone floor sent shivers through the room.

Ayana, who had been standing at a distance with Duan Dan, smirked as she saw the guards encircling Wang. Her grip on Duan Dan's arm tightened as she instinctively pulled him back with her.

"Stay out of it," Ayana whispered urgently, her voice laced with amusement. "Filavandrel is unforgiving. If you interfere, it will turn to war."

Duan Dan, pale and wide-eyed, nodded, but her gaze remained fixed on the scene before her. Her fear was palpable, yet she felt the weight of Ayana's warning pressing on her chest, keeping her rooted to the spot.

The guards moved swiftly, raising their enchanted swords, the edges shimmering with an eerie, otherworldly light. They were trained warriors, skilled in both magic and combat, and their approach was methodical, ruthless. Wang stood in the center of the circle, unyielding, his hand resting calmly on his sides. His eyes flickered between the guards and Filavandrel, who watched with a twisted smile of satisfaction.

But before any of the guards could strike, Wang's power exploded outward, raw and untamed. In an instant, the air around him crackled with energy. The guards froze in their tracks, eyes wide in shock as they were engulfed in a blinding light. Their screams echoed briefly through the hall before being snuffed out.

The light faded, leaving only a cloud of ash where the guards had once stood.

Ayana's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Yes," she mumbled.

Duan Dan took a step back, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she stared at the pile of ashes that had once been living, breathing soldiers. Filavandrel's smile faltered, her amusement replaced by a flicker of surprise and anger.

Wang stood unmoved, lowering his hand, his eyes locked on Filavandrel. His voice, when he spoke, was cold and steady. "You think your kingdom's walls can contain me? You don't know what power truly is."

Filavandrel's golden eyes narrowed, "Bold words," Filavandrel said, her voice laced with simmering rage, though it trembled just slightly. "But words won't save you."

"Give me my mate, or I can do this all day, Filavandrel. Your kingdom will crumble beneath your feet, and when it does, you'll realize you were never in control," Wang hissed, his voice low and menacing.

Filavandrel sprang to her feet, fury igniting within her, but Wang swiftly grabbed her throat and slammed her down, pinning her hand to the ground. His eyes burned with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

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